Disappearing Nose Conspiracy Anderson Cooper - Morris - 108morris108 - 2013

1 year ago

Published on Jan 28, 2013

"Anderson video from: https://rumble.com/v42xw6k-breaking-sandy-hook-disappearing-nose-conspiracy-anderson-cooper-cnn-scott-.html?mref=111rd3&mc=2kea8
Scott Walker's YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH7lietNjn7CJoHE-qUQEeQ
Original description from Scott Walker's Channel: This was probably filmed at CNN's studio with a green screen, not at the Noah Pozner funeral.


Since making this video a purported original has been furnished here - with a good nose! https://www.cnn.com/videos/bestoftv/2012/12/22/ac-ct-shooting-noah-pozner-mother.cnn
Was it rectified after? Can the intel outfits do that?


My comment
Some tech observations:
On her there is light on the rear of her right shoulder and possibly on the rear of her head, suggesting there is a light source from above and behind (as well as the front - see the shadows from the glasses and earring.
He has light on top of his head which definitely should make shadows under his eyes, and also you can see under lighting on his neck.
All suggests studio work ....


Is Lanza's shooting in of the front door being filmed in a studio now?


I should have clarified the people in jail in Israel over the kidnapping of Yemeni babies are the people who protested about it."

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