Due to the Lack of Transparency From the CCP, COVID-19 Has Destroyed Many Countries in the World

9 months ago

【 #AMFEST2023 】 12/16/2023 Consultant Aidan Thompson(@AIDANONX) highlights an alleged collusion between the liberal establishment in the U.S. and the CCP. For example, Dr. Anthony Fauci receives funds from the government and redirects the money to the Wuhan lab. Covid-19 has destroyed many countries in the world, and the U.S. just come on top of this as usual. It is all because of the lack of transparency from the CCP that allowed this disease to proliferate and destroy America.

【 #凤凰城烽火行动 】 12/16/2023 顾问艾丹·汤普森(@AIDANONX)强调了美国自由派与中共沆瀣一气。例如,安东尼·福奇收受政府资金并将其拨款给武汉病毒研究所。新冠病毒摧毁了世界很多国家,而美国只是如往常一样受影响最大。都是因为中共缺乏透明度,才使得病毒扩散并摧毁了美国。

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