Aidan Thompson Talks About the Threats That the CCP Is Imposing to America

1 year ago

【 #AMFEST2023 】 12/16/2023 Consultant Aidan Thompson(@AIDANONX) talks about the threats that the CCP is imposing to the United States. He firstly talks about the COVID-19 pandemic, where the CCP's lack of responsibility for handling the virus significantly destroyed the global economy. Secondly, the CCP is having an opium war against the US by pouring fentanyl through U.S. borders. Lastly, the CCP is imposing an economic war against the US by taking all the jobs away and threatening Taiwan.
#新中国联邦 #消灭中共 @XI_ANNA
【 #凤凰城烽火行动 】12/16/2023 顾问艾丹·汤普森(@AIDANONX)谈论中共对美国的威胁。他首先谈到新冠病毒大流行,因为中共对病毒处理的不负责任,摧毁了世界经济;其次,中共正在通过美国边境输入大量芬太尼而对美国发动一场鸦片战争;最后,中共正在通过拿走所有工作岗位,以及威胁台湾而对美国发动经济战争。

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