Psalm 128 "How blessed are all who fear the LORD, who walk the way that he has shown" To: Rockingham

9 months ago

Psalm 128 "How blessed are all who fear the LORD, who walk the way that he has shown"
Tune: Rockingham
Falkirk Free Church
The images are only intended to provide resonances with some aspects of the psalm; they are not intended as one-to-one correspondences.
Have the law on your heart. (Deuteronomy 6:6-9 & Deuteronomy 11:18-20)
Christians wouldn't advocate any crass literalism but rather the Spiritual reality that lies behind the symbolism. Sinclair Ferguson talks about the 15 Psalms of Assent spiralling in groups of 3. While Psalm 127 emphasises God's Sovereignty, Psalm 128 emphasises our responsibility.

The High Priest of Israel in his robes of glory and beauty. Exodus 28 gives the important details of the garments. For example the high priest wore a literal gold plate on his forehead. Without this protection Uzziah was smitten on his forehead. Exodus 29 gives the details of the anointing. Exodus 30 gives the details of the oil.

The Priestly Blessing of Numbers 6 is regularly eluded to in the Psalms of Assents.

PSALM 128 L.M.

1 How blessed are all who fear the LORD,
Who walk the way that he has shown.
2 Success and blessing will be yours;
You’ll eat the fruit that you have grown.

3 Your wife will be a fruitful vine;
And round your table will be placed
Your children like young olive shoots.
4 Thus he who fears the LORD is blessed.

5 May you behold Jerus’lem’s good;
From Zion may God’s blessing flow.
6 Your children’s children may you see.
May God on Isr’el peace bestow!

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