Best of Michael Collins Piper (MCP) March 2009

1 year ago

my notes:
Holocaust Bishop Williamson, Mark Weber scum
USS Liberty Phil Tourney - compensation $250
Mel Gibson
Argentina controlled by Jews
MCP phone tapped
68 we can point at the devil (jews)
72 Rothschild controlled 1/3 of the world's wealth in 1850s
Fox & the flies - Churchill the scum
Yellow star Holocaust
1.51 Walter White not necessarily to prove our point
Copper wire invented by Jews
Caroline Yeager Jewish Holocaust book of fiction
Jessie Owens
3.15 Barbara Anne
H L Mencken quote
Rudolf Gulliani helped the Jews destroy the Mafia
Israel constitutional- Israel has no borders
Schindler's List
The little drummer girl movie
Jews spit on Christians
Mark Glenn regarding Israel
Bernie Maddoff tax exemption
Jewish hatred
Jews are bullies
4.56 Sea cables cut by Israel banks
Prostate cure
Hillary Jewish grandfather
5:12 Satanic battle- good vs evil
City of London = Rothschild
Freemasonry was created by Jews to destroy Christianity
WW2 Jews murdered 6 million Germans
Jews attack pope regarding Bishop Williamson
Rothschild use 10th amendment to control USA
Jean-Marie Le Pen France - Israel
6.48 H L Mencken
Israel letter
7.12 titanic
Alex Jones had Jeff Rense fired from GCN
Eric John Phelps = scum
Rothschild controls Vatican
Jews = criminals
Holocaust German concentration camps were run by Jews kapos
Jewish threat to Iran
They want to kill us

mp3 at my archive & mega (note mp3 has better audio quality than the video)

relevant Link
Goldstein and Kahane – the jewish mass murdering terrorist who tells the truth

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