Can i search? Cop lies to Vets face, about the

1 year ago

this is just crazy. it's crazy that you can be pulled over for 2 made-up reasons, than still be asked to have your vehicle searched. it's sad that the cop knew he'd get right out and check the plate, despite knowing that he still chose to lie to him. he is doing an amazing thing for vets and any type of public servant role that you can get ptsd from. he said the lake saved his life, so he wants to share that and what saved his life with others. that's a powerful thing. I'll add his YouTube and his tiktok links below for anyone who would like to check them out. remember these videos are for educational and news purposes. we're just trying to show what happens in this country on a daily basis and that there is work to do. looks like he didn't even get any tickets. so it really was just q fishing expo


Dustin Johnsons YouTube channel

ProjectVetJet is his tiktok

Lake Ozark Police Department
3162 Bagnell Dam Blvd, Lake Ozark, MO 65049
+1 573-365-5371

The pd doesn't appear to have a fb page, but the town does

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