Three reasons why you cannot salvage modern (western or westernized) women

1 year ago

From Top Dollar Black Pill Gangster's Underground... Top Dollar gives us the three completely solid reasons why there is no going back to any of these westernized / western / modern women. They are beyond toxic waste - they are not even recognizable as women. What is a woman? Definitely not what passes as a woman in the west these days! XX chromosomes are no guarantee anymore.

He also goes on to discuss what the powers that be are - who is behind all of this mess? Well, Top Dollar gives us a recap / synopsis of this in this video. A true blast from the past.

Beware the Western / Westernized Stragg, they are out there and they want your resources men. They will turn to you in their times of desperation wanting to simply take your resources and give you false accusations in return! Leave them be - walk away! Armor yourselves against them because they'll be relentless now that the System has thrown them under the bus! Don't let them pull you under the tires with them!

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