CBD Pain Relief For MUSICIANS - Feat. Steve!

1 year ago

My brother-in-law Steve joins me in this video to check out the Re-Tune line of products from GoDPSMusic! This CBD / Hemp based line of joint and muscle pain relief products is aimed at hard working musicians who are looking to avoid joint problems or deal with existing ones! Steve has tested out these and now he's ready to give us his review! Musician health is important!

Re-Tune products here: https://godpsmusic.com/collections/retune

Steve's recommend massage therapist: https://www.proactivehealththerapeutic.net/

Shred with my instructional programs: https://maxcarlisle.sellfy.store/


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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maxcarlislemusic/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/maxxxwellc
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/guitar_max_carlisle

Want to release your own music? Sign up on DistroKid and save 7% with this link: http://distrokid.com/vip/guitarmax


Rubric: -5 points for Danzig references. -5 points for not reading the description. -5 points for not watching far enough into the video to answer your own question. -5 points for misquoting me in your comment. 20 points possible. Everyone starts with an A!

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