The Exclusive BioMarx application for Android Version(s) 9,10,11,13 - Available on Google Play Store

1 year ago

The BioMarx application was created from the foundation of the scripture Job 10:14 that indicates anyone can be marked for their iniquity and will not be acquitted and it was Cain who was marked as a sign to prevent harm to his person.
EVALUATION FUNDAMENTAL The hard disciplines of science confirmed through decades of research to confirm or refute the visual/physical evidence of their presence in the flesh.
BACKGROUND The present method to identify anyone is based upon a surname that was imposed (or adopted), and recognized as an identity used worldwide.
EXAMPLE Everyone is unaware of their heritage and many are aware that Cain the son of Adam was marked for his crime.
A second mark was placed upon him, and this mark is present upon his descendants in the present, who are unaware that it has potential consequences that could affect their fate.
The BioMarx application is designed for personal evaluation that can be done in the privacy of home, and with a photograph-confirm or deny if the mark of evil is present on the neck or the mark of cain is on their forehead.
THE SOLUTION Is written in the scripture and taught across the world, but the explanation does not demonstrate how it is achieved.
THE REFERENCE Ephesians 6:11 directs on to put on the armor of God, and another reference of 1 Corinthians 15:53 is that the corruptible must put on incorruption, and the mortal must put on immortality. ... Both reference the armor of God that imparts on the mortal-immortality.
BIOMARX RESEARCH The BioMarx subscription provides the in-depth research and the solution from the Bible that will cleanse the flesh, and remove deaths’ claim for your soul, and produce photographic evidence of their success.
HOW DOES BIOMARX WORK? The BioMarx application produces photographic evidence that confirms the ancient mystery in Bible references that if we sin, we are marked for the iniquity and will not be acquitted.
The BioMarx application combines modern cellphone technology with an application that produces photographic evidence that confirms this ancient mystery. questions:
The Exclusive BioMarx application for Android Versions 9, 11, 12, and 13 is released in the Google Play Store and available at:

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