Season of Saturnalia Explained - Robert Sepher 12-22-2023. Unholy Christmas, Why It Was Banned

1 year ago

Season of Saturnalia Explained - Robert Sepher 12-22-2023. Unholy Christmas, Why It Was Banned
December 22, 2023
Robert Sepher
Midwinter traditions surrounding the Winter Solstice stem from pre-Christian celebrations and rituals, many of which seem to be in stark contrast to each other until their esoteric symbolism is properly deciphered and their ancient universal origins are fully understood. Winter Solstice is the start of Capricorn Season, when pagan Rome celebrated the Sun’s entrance into Capricorn as Saturnalia in honor of Saturn, the nocturnal Sun, the pre-Christian time of rebirth and renewal. Pagan Origins of Halloween    • Pagan Origins of Halloween - ROBERT S...   Pagan Origins of Valentine’s Day    • Pagan Origins of Valentine’s Day - RO...   Krampus is the half-man, half-goat horned counterpart to St. Nicholas (Santa Claus) that punishes misbehaving children during Christmas, stemming from pre-Christian European folklore. Moloch (Saturn) Worship    • Moloch (Saturn) Worship - ROBERT SEPEHR   The Forbidden Doctrine and 1666    • The Forbidden Doctrine and 1666 - ROB...  
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