Guided Mindfulness Meditation: Comfort andJoy - Love, Gratitude, Happiness (15 Minutes)

1 year ago

This is a quided mindfulness meditation on comfortand joy. Although we can benefit from inner peacethroughout the year, the holiday season can beespecially filled with stress and anxiety. I can be easyto forget about the meaning of the season - and wecan forget to remember self-care and self-help andremember to take care of ourselves! This session willbe a reminder to feel gratitude for the abundance thatyou have, and also will foster an inner love, happiness,and joy, that can then be sent outward to friends andfamily. Allow yourself to take a few minutes away fromthe anxiousness and stress and just drift into a stateof presence and peace with this comfort and joy meditation.

This guided meditation session is 15 minutes long:About 12 minutes of the session are guided, while theremaining 3 minutes are ambient music to help calmlyend the session and return to your day...

Sleep meditation music is a rumble channel where Istrive to create some of the most calming and relaxingonline guided meditations on rumble - I hope youfind them to be some of the best out there forself-help! Many videos are under 15 minutes. Some ofthe most popular topics are better sleep, morningsessions, 432hz healing frequency focus, self love,and healing anxiety. Some believe that meditation isespecially healing when there is a full moon!

Sleep meditation music and Relax and Sleep Journeyare for any spirituality, whether Christian, Buddhist,Non-religious, or any other belief system!

Some words associated with this meditation videoinclude: best YouTube meditation, calming, relaxing,soothing, zen, 432hz, healing, hope, cleanse, attractthe universe, aura cleanse, positive energy vibration,deep meditation, peace and light, miracles, grateful,mind boost, let go, deep sleep, positive perspectiveand mindset, healthy body, healing energy, good vibes,yoga, blocked energy, cleanse subconscious negativity,ambient healing music, inner wisdom, winter andsnow, snowy scene, holiday stress, Christmas stress,holiday cheer, celebration, winter season

#holidays #meditation #comfortandjoy

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