God is Using the Fire from the IHOP & the Mike Bickle Situation to Purify His Church

1 year ago

I really struggled with what to title this. I could have titled it "Fools are Tools in Satan's Hands," or, "How God is Using the IHOP & Bickle Situation to Mature the Church," or, "How a Spiritual One Responds to the IHOP & Mike Bickle Situation."

What prompted this response was my responsibility for a small network of churches, ministers and ministries of whom some have been greatly impacted by IHOP and Mike through the years. I know I have and I am grateful for the work of Christ through them.

That being said this is a horrible situation that is unfolding. Recently I shared on social media Stephen Strang's response to this situation wherein he highlights how Satan is also taking advantage of this situation. He is right. Here's the link I shared. https://www.charismanews.com/culture/93941-a-response-to-mike-bickle-s-personal-statement-amid-investigation

I included in that post 5 observations which was intended to remind us all about our personal responsibility for how we respond. Why? Because every single one of us will appear before the judgment seat of Christ and we will give an account for everything we did and for every idle word we spoke.

This situation is in and of itself another type of a valley of decision. It's a low point between two mountains of thought. On one mountain we have God and other the other Satan. Satan is the accuser of the brethren. The question is, whose narrative will we lend our lips to? Which mountain will we choose to stand upon? What will our words say? What will our actions say? Bottom line, what do you want heaven to record?

Rather than just offering my opinion. I offer a ton of scriptures. Why? Because my opinion means nothing at the judgment seat of Christ. What matters is God's word. So if God''s word will be used to judge our actions, then it would be useful to take a look at what God's word says about righteousness, justice, truth, mercy, accusation, elders, slander, gossip, talebearing, and much more.


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