Oneness: Offering “Others” What You Desire for Yourself

1 year ago

January 8 - a daily inspirational commentary by James Blanchard Cisneros. Together, let us gently help awaken the world.

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God is Love and All. Love is who we are in truth. Only when we have bought into the ego’s mindset as real, can we believe that something other than Love, All, is real. Believing in this illusionary mindset will make judgment, the ego’s main fuel source, appear real. The ego uses judgment to try to separate us from each other. By separating, the ego conquers. It separates us by having us focus on the temporal, the body, instead of the eternal, the soul. It says that because our bodies appear to be separate, we can judge and punish other people without that having any negative effect on us. How much longer must we buy into the ego’s lies as true before we fully realize that they do not offer us the peace and joy we want? Being all One, any judgment of another, will rob us of our peace of mind and joy.

Today, let us slow down time enough to truly pay attention to how the thoughts we think, words we use, and actions we take — in regard to “others” — affects us. Let us notice that what we think of, say and do to others — first flows through us. What we offer others either poisons or heals us, either imprisons us in the ego’s world or sets us free. As we understand this cause and effect better, this will help us clarify the uniting concept of Oneness. Today, if the ego once again demands that you judge another, and in essence poison yourself, decline its request. Then forgive instead, and by doing so, choose the path of peace. Today, all we need to do is to treat others as we would like to be treated. Today, all we need to do is to align our thoughts, words and actions with Love, and by doing so, become who we were created to be.

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