The Solitary Refinement Show! SRS Christmastime.

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All support/requests/activations are through superchats and here :

Have a favoured Christmas or even Christmas Parody/Satire song?
Everyone gets one request in that vein- on the honour system.

Ram Ranch is not a Christmas Song- but I will accept the Die Hard Theme.

This show is by default one hour, could be two hours or even up to three hours long!

Who decides?

Why, YOU do! Potentially but not necessarily you specifically. If the meter is filled to 50 percent (25 dollars total) via song requests or any other action, the show length doubles. If it's maxed out (50 dollars total), it triples!

Actions YOU can compel :
5 bucks : Music Request!

YOU choose the next song, I strive to find it...

10 Bucks : SING!

In which I will sing something. Karaoke? Sea Shanty? Well that much is my call.


25 Bucks : Sing THIS!

In which I will sing any Karaoke on Youtube. If a karaoke track can be found of it on youtube, I will sing it. This may make me look a bit desperate, sure to be cringe. Performance may vary.

50 Buck Goal Met : A third Hour is commissioned!

50 Bucks : OPEN REQUESTS. You've not only secured yourself any song you want for the rest of the show, you've thrown the gate open to everyone! Quite generous to be sure.

50 Bucks- The Black Compass : You've just put Arcturus the Black Compass of Sarthos from Side Quest in charge of the next show. Why?

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