SMART Meters - Think Again!

9 months ago

Apart from radiation sickness, SMART Meters can do a whole lot more as this man explains. The Energy "BROKERS" in the UK do NOT own your meters, they RENT the Serial Numbers of the meters. They do NOT supply energy, that is done by the National Grid and they do not charge the Energy "BROKERS" for that Energy. So your Energy "BROKERS" are all fraudulent criminals as they identify themselves as "Energy Suppliers", you have NO contract with the Energy "BROKERS" and remember for a Corporation to contract with a living man/woman they MUST have a LAWFUL contract in place according to LEGAL Legislation, and the contract must be obtained with fully informed consent (IT IS NOT GIVEN), a wet signed contract by BOTH parties (IT'S NEVER DONE), without threat, intimidation, fraud etc (We know this is all breached). They are all involved in high level fraud, and the Police who are also private service corporations engage in similar crimes by using intimidation, threat and fear as they illegally and unlawfully ASSIST the crimes being committed by the Energy "BROKERS", and the Corrupt Courts and Judges are also all involved in the scam.

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