Hatun Tash Missing David Wood Gives WARNING!!!

1 year ago

Note: Days after Jay Smith put out word Hatun was missing she responded & is doing ok at this time.

Hatun Tash has been missing & out of contact for weeks. The worst is feared so let us remind any would be Jihadi about David Wood's warning. A warning from one who has already made shoes out of the Quran, made several origami out of the Quran, drilled holes in the Quran, & of course has eaten the Quran. He should be taken seriously by all who hold the Quran as more than ink wasted on good paper. Lets not forget all the embarrassing details about the most obvious false prophet in history, Mo, that isn't common knowledge to many. Imagine the questions Muslim imams could have to deal with from believers & non believers alike. The Tsunami of Apostasy is coming all that is required is just a bit of shaking.

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