Life usually runs on hierarchy not democracy (12-21-23)

9 months ago
402 Populism is usually popular but rarely gets anything done, while neoconservatism is unpopular but gets much accomplished (such as the disastrous 2003 invasion of Iraq). Why?

I put “populism” into Youtube and one of the suggested videos is on power. Eric Liu noted: “Power is the ability to have others do what you would have them do. This plays out in all arenas from family to the workplace to our relationships.”

Populism is bad at this while neoconservatism is excellent. Why?

Liu says the primary sources of political power are physical force, money, state action, social norms, ideas, and numbers. Populism has numbers but neoconservatism tends to dominate populism in every other ingredient of power. The neocons have instigated the use of American armed forces overseas, they are amply funded, they know to press the levers of state action, and they enjoy disproportionate influence in the world of ideas.

I heard so many glowing things about democracy in my youth that I took it for granted that it was the best way of running things. Then I grew up and experienced a world that extolled democracy while operating on dictatorial lines of hierarchy (women in charge particularly liked to talk about collaboration while acting in covens that often ostracised me for failure to fall in line with their sacred programs – my criticism and challenges wearied them). In fact, it’s hard to think of many examples of important things in the world around me that operate on democratic principles aside from periodic elections and 12-step programs.

The most intense pleasure I have experienced has been in the course of intimate relations with beautiful young women. These were not democratic experiences open to anyone. They were exclusive and hierarchical — I was hers and she was mine and we did things together that we didn’t do with other people. It usually went without saying that if either of us became more democratic in our approach to love, that meant the end of the delightful things we did together.

My experience of formal education was not democratic. It was hierarchical.,,
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