A Warning To America Paul Harvey If I Were The Devil Democratic Socialists America

1 year ago

A Warning To America Paul Harvey If I Were The Devil Many years ago, a courageous and devoted American broadcast a message to his listeners that served as a harbinger for where the nation was headed societally and culturally. In his broadcast he revealed what he would do if he were “the devil,” to destroy our culture and undermine our collective societal standards and social mores. That man was Paul Harvey Aurandt, known to the nation simply as Paul Harvey, and his message not only has proven to be prophetic, but serves as a warning to Americans today of where our society continues to trend.

“If I Were The Devil": A Warning to America From Paul Harvey
“If I were the devil … If I were the Prince of Darkness, I’d want to engulf the whole world in darkness. And I’d have a third of its real estate, and four-fifths of its population, but I wouldn’t be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree — Thee. So I’d set about however necessary to take over the United States. I’d subvert the churches first — I’d begin with a campaign of whispers. With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve: ‘Do as you please.

To the young, I would whisper that ‘The Bible is a myth.’ I would convince them that man created God instead of the other way around. I would confide that what’s bad is good, and what’s good is ‘square.’ And the old, I would teach to pray, after me, ‘Our Father, which art in Washington…

And then I’d get organized. I’d educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting, so that anything else would appear dull and uninteresting. I’d threaten TV with dirtier movies and vice versa. I’d pedal narcotics to whom I could. I’d sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction. I’d tranquilize the rest with pills.

If I were the devil I’d soon have families at war with themselves, churches at war with themselves, and nations at war with themselves; until each in its turn was consumed. And with promises of higher ratings I’d have mesmerizing media fanning the flames. If I were the devil I would encourage schools to refine young intellects, but neglect to discipline emotions — just let those run wild, until before you knew it, you’d have to have drug sniffing dogs and metal detectors at every schoolhouse door.

Within a decade I’d have prisons overflowing, I’d have judges promoting pornography — soon I could evict God from the courthouse, then from the schoolhouse, and then from the houses of Congress. And in His own churches I would substitute psychology for religion, and deify science. I would lure priests and pastors into misusing boys and girls, and church money. If I were the devil I’d make the symbols of Easter an egg and the symbol of Christmas a bottle.

If I were the devil I’d take from those who have, and give to those who want until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious.

And what do you bet I could get whole states to promote gambling as the way to get rich? I would caution against extremes and hard work in Patriotism, in moral conduct. I would convince the young that marriage is old-fashioned, that swinging is more fun, that what you see on the TV is the way to be. And thus, I could undress you in public, and I could lure you into bed with diseases for which there is no cure. In other words, if I were the devil I’d just keep right on doing what he’s doing.” Paul Harvey, good day.

It took me a lengthy bit to answer this. I think I knew it would be a tricky one and would need careful thought and response. Here is my outlook on Paul Harvey's “if I were the devil”.

Growing up in the Christian church I am aware of the main antagonist and protagonists. Although I no longer can claim myself a follower and believer, I can tell you that there is evil or negative energies as well as positive and righteous. When I refer to the devil in this work I am referring to a collective of negative energies, manifestations of evil in the world, and the basic major problems of the world arising from each of our own egos, selfishness, and greed.

Paul Harvey was obviously a rational, reasonable man who was able to see the linear path of destruction we were headed down as a collective. He just so happened to be a Christian, and called the main character responsible for setting into effect this madness the devil. I would put the blame more us humans as individuals both for what we do or do not do (action or inaction). All of the points he made are either well into their places or on their way to becoming snugly fit.

We are so wrapped up in semantics as a people that we a lot of the time forget to break it down to a simpler form. Until we get to the root, the bottom. Usually we are left looking at ourselves in some form or another as the main culprit of our own pain and misery. Most are just too unaware to admit this, or they are disillusioned into believing it's everyone else's fault.

I think of all the points he mentioned, the devaluing of human life and giving your natural power up willingly stick out most to me. We do do both everyday without a second thought or bat of the eye. Some don't even realize they have power. They associate money and things to power. Every single human regardless of location, wealth, possessions, intelligence, religion, creed, or any earthly “thing”, has one thing that can never be taken away. A choice. A choice to act or not act. A choice to do what is easy or to do what is not easy. There is a price for our actions or inaction. Do not be fooled by “I am just one person what can i do”, or not believe that every action or inaction will come back to you. Just because you haven't seen the result doesn't mean you will not see it, and just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it isn't there.

We live in a world where we will bitch and complain about the shit in our neighbors back yard while adding more shit to our own yards. We can point the finger of blame at everything and everyone, except ourselves because then our feelings get hurt. We know how everyone else Should be living and have no problem making sure everyone knows our opinion, but fixing how we live or hell, even taking an honest evaluation of ourselves is unthinkable.

These issues we are dealing with are not issues. At least not to the majority. If they were, things would be changing and for the better. We can all talk about world peace, but if you are not living in peace, you wanting world peace is no different than the piece of cake i want after dinner.

I can write for days on this piece. I will try to sum up this rant however, and get to the meat and potatoes. Whatever you choose to call it, evil, the devil, whatever, for once just pretend there is no such thing. When you have no one or nothing left to blame for the state of existence who will you blame then? If the horrible things of the world were “just the devil being the devil” then why bother to send people to jail? It was just the devil right? We need to take accountability and hold others accountable. We need to do these things with love. Anything else is a tool to feed the ego. Kill your ego, it is killing you. Ask questions, and learn. Don't be fooled by those with agendas, or money, or because they are “cute” and on tv. I will end this with a quote

“Complacency and forgetting the naturally inherited power we all posses is a death sentence. Be it for your mind, body, soul, or the collective human race. We never know where to start to make change, but you disregard the reflection staring right back at you daily in the mirror. Well, that is your answer. Start there and don't stop until world peace is attained, or you are blameless. Whichever comes first.”

Let’s Teach, we’ll seek to answer the following questions: what makes a city a sanctuary for immigrants, and how is this legal? What American cities are currently recognized as sanctuary cities, and which states have outlawed the practice altogether? On the list of divisive issues in the United States, immigration is pretty close to the top. For years, politicians and private citizens have debated and even fiercely argued about what makes someone an American and who should have access to ‘The American Dream’ as we believe it to be. Current immigration policies allow entities such as ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) to arrest, detain, and deport immigrants who are believed to be in the country illegally. However, certain cities across the United States have become safe havens for undocumented immigrants because of a sanctuary policy.

What are Sanctuary Cities and Why do they Exist.

Sanctuary Cities And Sanctuary States And Federal Government In U.S.A. For Sale ? - https://rumble.com/v2n4l0m-sanctuary-cities-and-sanctuary-states-and-federal-government-in-u.s.a.-for-.html

To combat closed borders, detention, and deportation, communities across the country are proclaiming sanctuary city status. Sanctuary cities exist from coast to coast and promote the ideals of human rights, separation of local and federal law, and empowerment of communities to grow with the help of immigrants. Cities that pursue sanctuary city policies do so for various reasons, all of which relate on some level to human rights and community growth.

What Are Sanctuary Cities?
The phrase sanctuary city is not a legal term, but one developed over time and more recently reflecting a response to ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) policies and actions. In general, a sanctuary city is a community with a policy, written or unwritten, that discourages local law enforcement from reporting the immigration status of individuals unless it involves investigation of a serious crime. These sanctuary communities go beyond cities, though. One can find entire counties and states declaring sanctuary status.
These communities typically do not honor requests by ICE to detain undocumented immigrants whom local agents apprehend for misdemeanor crimes or investigations. Many in sanctuary cities also refuse to deputize their local officers as federal agents, a necessary technicality if those local officers carry out the duties of ICE agents. There is no specific federal law against sanctuary city policies.

Pedophile, Child Lover, or Minor-Attracted Person A Warning To America !

Think All Child Molesters Are Hebephiles-Ephebophiles-Pedophiles Rule the World - https://rumble.com/v2rujic-think-all-child-molesters-are-hebephiles-ephebophiles-pedophiles-rule-the-w.html

Attitudes Toward Labels Among People Who are Sexually Attracted to Children. The primary label for people who are sexually attracted to children (“pedophile”) is conflated with sexual offending behavior and tainted with stigma. In the present pre-registered mixed-method study, we therefore investigated attitudes and preferences regarding "pedophile/hebephile" and other labels among people who report a stronger or equally strong sexual attraction to prepubescent and pubescent children than to adults.

Overall, quantitative data showed acceptance of “pedophile/hebephile” as well as a range of alternative labels in a personal (Labeling Oneself) and a professional context (Being Labeled by Others). “Minor-attracted person” and “pedophile/hebephile” received generally higher support than other terms and appeared to be least divisive across three major online fora. Qualitative data revealed four themes: “Contested self-labels,” “Person-first language and pathologizing sexuality/identity,” “Stigma and shame,” and “Reclaiming the pedophile label.”

Our results allow deeper insight into reasons for adopting certain labels over others, as well as difficulties of finding a non-stigmatizing label. We discuss limitations of the study and practical implications for clinical and research contexts.

Below Is 96 Video's Link's And Text To Watch And Read A True Warning To America Today ! And 21 Ways the Devil Is Using the Democratic Party to Destroy America.

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You are here: Home Opinion Here's the Deal Larry Tomczak's Week in Review: Special Christmas Edition With Gifts of Healing for You
Here's the Deal, by Larry Tomczak
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21 Ways the Devil Is Using the Democratic Party to Destroy America. "Be sober and watchful, because your adversary the devil walks around as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour" (1 Pet. 5:8).

I lived in the D.C. area for 24 years, worked directly across from the White House and taught the Bible weekly to 2000 young people 10 minutes away.

Positioned in the heart of the capital, we prayed for the government each meeting (1 Tim. 2:1-4), convinced of our call to "... stand against the schemes of the devil. For our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places" (Eph. 6:11b-12).

On our watch, we witnessed the exposure and removal of a president and vice president for the first time in U.S. history.

The time has come to acknowledge spiritual realities: the devil is using the Democratic Party to try to destroy America. If we don't awaken, our children will soon awaken in a nation unrecognizable to us today.

Thanking the Devil

Actor Christian Bale, a Democrat activist and stepson of feminist Gloria Steinem, recently gave thanks to Satan for helping him win his Golden Globe award for his role in Vice, destroying the reputation of former Vice President Dick Cheney.

In C.S. Lewis' classic Screwtape Letters, novice demon Wormwood likewise thanked his Satanic life coach for teaching him how to deceive unsuspecting humans.

His diabolical advice: "... the safest road to hell is the gradual one-the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts ..."

While there is no perfect party or politician, God-fearing Americans are asking if the time has come to say "sayonara" to the Democratic Party as it morphs into a European secularist and socialistic entity.

It has become increasingly leftist and anti-capitalist in its pursuit of "social justice" and "income equality." It's not the fringe or a few factions who believe they must aggressively remove "outdated" policies and "unenlightened" politicians hindering those they deem as the "disadvantaged."

They believe man is not sinful but basically good, and by wealth distribution, freedom from repressive religion and by "progressive" education, we'll enjoy utopia. They dismiss the wisdom of Nobel laureate Frederick Hayek, author of The Fatal Conceit, "The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to man how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."

Recall the sincere but misguided socialist experiment of Governor William Bradford with the Pilgrims in pooling their harvest together but discovering there were slackers trying to live off the labors of others. He quickly exposed their laziness and apportioned each a plot of land to work and reap the fruit of his individual labor. This rescued them and incentivized them, resulting in productivity and success.

Exposing Dangerous Delusion

The Democratic Party's socialistic economic initiatives are taking root, especially among Millennials. They're woefully uneducated on its tenets and the devastation it has brought hundreds of millions in history. They're seduced by lofty yet unrealistic promises and lured by charismatic politicians often going unchallenged by the sympathetic anti-Trump media.

A current example is their "Green New Deal":

Full employment, and if you dislike your job you depart and the government gets you another. You cannot be fired.
Free health care.
Free tuition from pre-K through college.
Affordable housing for all with rent control and inability to be evicted. This will fix "climate problems" and income inequalities, they promise.
New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the party's new star, who's a symbol and proponent of Democratic socialism. She told 60 Minutes she was a "radical"; "advocated free health care for everyone"; and proposed a "top tax rate of 70 percent like the U.K. [it's actually 45 percent], Finland or Sweden" (minuscule and easily manageable populations of 5 and 10 million compared to our 350 million).

Our already $22 trillion debt would quickly explode from this delusional scheme, devastating millions, collapse our economy and result in rioting like in Venezuela.

Do you know that in his Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx said the "progressive income tax" imposed by the governing elite was a "despotic inroad on the rights of property" requiring the Communist revolution?

Are you ready for the government to confiscate your savings and property upon death instead of you bequeathing them to your family?

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has announced the availability of total healthcare—primary, specialty, pediatric, OB-GYN, geriatric and mental—for all 9.5 million residents including 300,000 illegal immigrants, 600,000 uninsured and anyone with pre-existing conditions. Simply call a 311 number. He proposes the government assume authority over everyone's property; universal free pre-K childcare and marijuana legalization.

Additionally, Governor Cuomo and Hillary Clinton propose the "Reproductive Health Act" be enacted immediately to codify abortion guaranteed up until birth.

Presidential hopefuls Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are both avowed socialists. California Senator Kamala Harris is announcing her candidacy, having gained notoriety for arrogant behavior at the Kavanaugh hearing, along with forcefully assaulting a judicial nominee simply because he's a member of the 2-million strong,136-year-old Catholic "Knights of Columbus."

Once Marginal, Now Mainstream

My parents were Democrats, and I grew up as a boy having a positive view of Presidents Truman and Kennedy. I was shocked and saddened when I later discovered the history of the Democratic Party as the party of slavery, secession and segregation. As I've watched the ascent of extremism, socialism and godless secularism in its ranks, I'm alarmed with millions of patriotic Americans at the trajectory of its politicians, policies and platform—attractive on the surface but dangerous in their outworking.

House Speaker Pelosi stated in USA Today (Jan. 3, 2019) the top two "generational challenges of our time are reducing income disparity and combating the climate crises." While we should all strive to be good stewards of the environment, we must be discerning not to succumb to hysteria based not on scientific empirical evidence but from Al Gore's theories and disproven myths catapulting him to multimillionaire status.

21 Areas Reveal Democratic Party Positions

1. Radical redistribution of wealth.

2. Aggressive climate-change initiatives.

3. Complete takeover of health care by federal government plus inclusion of all illegal immigrants.

4. Open immigration policy with full acceptance of all children and relatives; no border "walls", entrance requirements, e-verify or penalties for those refusing deportation; disregarding the rule of law and full support for "sanctuary cities"; neglecting national security and allowing George Soros-funded anarchy to "crash" our immigration system.

5. Government control over corporate profits.

6. Progressive taxes on the upper middle class and above.

7. Legalization of recreational marijuana.

8. Implementation of comprehensive LGBTQ agenda—including indoctrination of children in schools, transgender initiatives, gender reassignment surgery and removal of any "sexual discrimination" in the workplace and schools, disregarding conscience objections.

9. Taxpayer abortion on demand until birth, with full funding of Planned Parenthood.

10. Major defense spending cuts with money redistributed to entitlements.

11. Comprehensive gun control.

12. Liberal, not originalist, judges on the Supreme Court and federal courts.

13. Alignment and support for radical feminist agenda and marches.

14. Increased censorship of "hateful" conservative thought on social media.

15. Liberalized voting standards to include fraudulent practices and everyone the Party deems as "disenfranchised".

16. Partnership with Palestinians.

17. Alignment with United Nations and European Union transnationalism initiatives promoting "One World" globalism rather than nationalism with international cooperation.

18. Euthanasia/physician-assisted suicide.

19. Taxpayer-funded childcare and college tuition.

20. Elimination of the Electoral College.

21. Reestablishing of Iranian "nuclear deal" alongside increased protection for Islamic "rights" in America and abroad at the expense of Israel's safety.

Warning and Wake-Up Call

Without a desperately needed spiritual awakening, America is on a dangerous slope. Millions must recognize how the enemy is using the Democratic Party with its seductive, totally unrealistic, godless vision for America. It is totally foreign to that of our Founding Fathers and 242-year heritage.

The brutal reality is that the Democratic Party is not the one of even a generation ago. It has become radicalized; hostile to biblical values and religious freedoms; disrespectful to individuals and institutions; unashamed in using profanities and employing intimidation in the media and public square; increasingly irrational, lawless, dishonest, hypocritical, corrupt, and mean-spirited (remember the Brett Kavanaugh hearing?); and finally, flippant in dismissing "due process" and our two foundational societal pillars of the sanctity of human life alongside the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman.

Here's the deal: As we've watched the difficult-to-believe destruction of the 108-year-old Boy Scouts of America because the organization capitulated to forces the Democratic Party championed, let us consecrate ourselves at this defining time to intercession, gospel proclamation, "salt and light" activism and courageous, uncompromising obedience to God.

Extraordinary circumstances require extraordinary measures. "Therefore, 'Come out from among them and be separate,' says the Lord. 'Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you. I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty'" (2 Cor. 6:17-18).

The devil is a defeated foe and no matter how destructive his influence is at this critical time, remember, "The earth belongs to the Lord, and its fullness, the world, and those who dwell in it" (Ps. 24:1).

May God bless the United States of America as we pray and communicate that we must return to Him and His ways, upon which our nation was founded and as a result, is the most blessed and prosperous nation on earth.

Socialists: Darlings or Devils of the Press How times change, and how quickly. Only yesterday, it seems, the media were raking Bernie Sanders over the coals, while Wall Street fretted about what a Sanders presidency might do to the market. Now, Radio Silence, or something like that.

The sustained assault upon Sanders, across the conservative and liberal media, should not have been a surprise. A popular “democratic socialist” would naturally be seen as a threat, certainly to mainstream Democrats: he might make the party over as Trump has made the Republicans into Trumpians.

What might be a surprise is to learn that socialists have not always been abused by most of the U.S. press. Yes, crowds of demonstrators, striking workers, anything that signaled disorder, most especially if peopled by “foreigners” or non-whites, aroused editorial rage and fear. Orderly political campaigns of the Left brought sneers, but less ink was thrown at political movements not seen to threaten the two party system from within.

There is another reason for the difference in press treatment of the Left, then and now. Newspapers were essentially local businesses with advertising revenue less important than daily sales and subscriptions. News coverage could be hugely biased, but the editorial page was the least-consulted feature compared to sports, “the funnies,” local, state and national news— and the obits. Papers aimed at blue collar readers had to be especially careful not to offend their audiences of respectable and well-organized craft workers.

We need to go back no more than a half-century or so to find Norman Thomas, the widely recognized “Conscience of America.” A former Presbyterian minister who ran for the presidency on the Socialist Party ticket five times, with ever-decreasing electoral results, Thomas seemed to grow in stature as his perceived threat to the system diminished. Consulted by leading newspapers and radio news programs from the 1930s almost until his passing in 1969, Thomas gained further mainstream respectability through his vivid anti-communism (only at the end of his life did he oppose the Vietnam War). Yet he seemed always to be, somehow, the figure ready to uplift Americans toward a better view of each other and the world.

The real case example, however, is Eugene V. Debs, a class warrior by any definition, a political martyr/hero who earned nearly a million votes while behind bars in 1920.

The socialist movement supporting him was feared, hated, and denounced, especially by the conservative press. But Debs himself, a half decade before running for president in 1900, received a curious respect. Leader of the dramatic 1894 Pullman Strike, arrested and put behind bars, he seemed to the Springfield (OH) Daily Democrat of 1899 as “not radical or anarchistic in his utterances, but instead plain, rational, logical and cool headed.” A rival paper in the same town called him a figure who has a “desire for the elevation of man and [wish to] ameliorate of the hard social and industrial conditions of the day.” These views were not unique.

By 1906, when Debs was preparing his second run, the Dowagiac News, a Michigan daily, observed on January 9, about a local speech he made, that his “choice of language was beautiful and faultless, his passages at times sublime. Words slipped from [his]tongue into sentences of perfect English. It can truly be called a masterpiece of its kind.”

Debs’s banner year of 1912 found him in the “Red Special” train riding across the country giving thousands of speeches (in those pre-radio days, often the same speech). The Tacoma Times of May 15 had “Predicts Stampede to Eugene V. Debs.” Soon enough, though, Progressive Party nominee Theodore Roosevelt had stolen the third-party news, which was disappointing but illuminating in one way.

“TR” himself might be called the most famed anti-socialist of the day. He had denounced socialism and socialists in the most vehement terms since the 1890s. During the 1907 trial of IWW leader “Big Bill” Haywood on charges of involvement with the 1905 assassination of a former governor of Idaho, Debs had warned the authorities not to risk the wrath of the working class. Roosevelt answered in a rage, with a clear reference to Debs, that socialists “habitually appear as guilty of incitement or apology for bloodshed and violence.”

The U.S. entry into war and Debs’s resistance to it, along with the Russian Revolution, seemed to have shifted press views. Thus the El Paso Herald of June 22, 1918, recorded, “The man is a nuisance; a disturber and a fanatic who would, if he could, wreck not only the biblical plan of salvation, but send his country to pot as his likes, the Bolsheviki, have done for Russia.”

And yet Debs, in prison, seemed to gather a sort of solemn respect. Gene was, by this time, a sentimental memory of the vanished socialist dream of an egalitarian America without a world to conquer. He posed only a philosophical danger to capitalism. Besides, antiwar sentiment had by 1920 overwhelmed the orchestrated (and real) patriotism of wartime. The Red Scare raged, but Debs was no longer a Red to scare the press.

Socialism Is a Deal with the Devil

America was founded on the principles of capitalism. But there are those who think communism is the solution for every problem, from bad weather to old Joe's dementia. In their book, In Their Own Words, Terry Turchie and Donagh Bracken document that organizations such as the Weather Underground, the Black Panther Party, Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, and The Democratic Socialists of American have been agitating for communism for decades. We've even got one senator who spent his honeymoon in the Soviet Union and a whole squad of congresswomen who openly support it now. They don't use the word "communism" very often, but their manifestos and stated goals are 100 percent aligned with that ideology. Instead, they use seductive terms like "social justice," "guaranteed income," and "equality."

Capitalism vests ownership of property (along with the means of production) with the private sector. Members of the community are allowed to operate for their own individual interests — and those individuals get to keep the profits from their work. Hence, hard work is rewarded. With hard work and initiative, anyone can succeed. So people tend to work hard. Domestic product (the total production of the community) is maximized.

But the rewards are unevenly distributed. The portion of the domestic product that each person receives is a function of his contribution, not his membership in the community. The end result is that members of a capitalist community earn unequal portions of a very large pie.

Communism vests ownership of property (and the means of production) with the commune — otherwise known as the state. Members of the commune are expected to work for the benefit of the commune — not themselves. Each is to contribute according to his ability and receive according to his needs. It sounds like perfect harmony — until observed in practice.

When all share equally in the rewards, hard work is irrelevant to the portion of the commune's production that each person receives. Everyone's portion of the domestic product is a result of his membership in the commune, not his contribution to it. Since hard work is not rewarded, people tend to not work hard. Total domestic product rarely exceeds sustainment levels. But equality of outcomes is maximized. Commune members earn equal portions of a small pie.

Conceptually, capitalism and communism are inherently incompatible economic systems — they function at opposite ends of the public/private ownership axis. Attempts to blend them are destined for failure.

Capitalism maximizes productivity but sacrifices equal results. It provides equal opportunity, not equal outcome. The reward achieved by each individual is dependent on his own initiative. To realize capitalism's full potential, community members must have freedom to exercise that initiative. Therefore, personal liberty is a requirement for capitalism.

Communism maximizes equal results (equal distribution of the domestic product) but sacrifices the productivity inherent in capitalism. It also requires that community members surrender their freedom. They are not free to exercise individual initiative. They are expected to serve the needs of the commune — whatever those may be. They are expected to be a contributing member of the hive.

Unfortunately, leftists have created an attractive narrative about communism. If one ignores its downside, communism sounds idyllic to a naïve mind — everyone sharing equally in the bounty of the commune. No class envy, no brutal competition, no "dog eat dog" business jungle — just equality. Never mind that one has to give up personal choice and freedom to live in such a community.

The leftists paint capitalism's unequal distribution of rewards as inherently evil. They prey on class envy, demanding that the "rich pay their fair share." Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez even declared that capitalism is "not a redeemable system." Of course, she ignores all metrics except equality.

The left then seduces everyone by offering an impossible compromise — which leftists assure us will provide the advantages of both capitalism and communism. They call it socialism. They assure us that socialism will provide the productivity of capitalism and the equal distribution of communism. We'll just allow capitalism to produce the wealth but force producers to redistribute wealth by regulatory or tax-and-spend schemes. They use terms like "ensuring a livable wage"; "protecting our most vulnerable"; "correcting social injustices"; or, as Barack Obama simply said, "spreading the wealth around." It is all a lie. Socialism is a deal with the Devil. Its promises are seductive, but it delivers only misery.

Striking a compromise between two incompatible systems does not achieve the best of both systems; it achieves the worst of both systems. Socialism promises the productivity of capitalism with the equality of communism. But it actually delivers the inequality of capitalism and the low productivity of socialism — just the opposite of its intended goals.

Socialism relies on redistribution (via regulation or taxation) to promote equality. But that redistribution is actually a disincentive to production. Redistributed money is money that could have been spent on more production, which is instead redirected to non-production. In capitalism, you spend money to make money. In socialism, you spend money not to make money — by redirecting it to non-producers. Therefore, the community doesn't produce as much product — or make as much money to redistribute.

As socialism redistributes wealth, less of the wealth is available to reward producers and expand production. Production stagnates, and domestic product declines. Declining domestic product results in less wealth for redistribution. Those who own property begin consolidating their holdings to maintain their own standard of living. As the pie gets smaller, they exert their influence to keep more of it. That causes the standard of living of those receiving the redistribution to decline.

Pressure for increased redistribution builds, with the community demanding more taxation and social spending. The government raises taxes and the regulatory burden on producers, but that only further chokes production. With each cycle of the death spiral, the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and inequality proliferates.

The cycle continues until there is inadequate production to meet the redistribution demands. As Margaret Thatcher famously said, "the problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." That's when the community has arrived at Venezuela. The rich are obscenely rich, and the poor are breaking into the zoo to eat the displays. The Venezuelan example is not atypical relative to other socialist attempts.

When a socialist community can no longer function, it has reached a fork in the road where there are only two choices:

Recommit to capitalism and return to rewarding producers for their efforts.
Commit to communism, seizing the means of production and vesting ownership of all property in the commune.
Socialism is merely a flowery invitation to move gradually toward communism, giving up our liberty in exchange for a life of subsistence. There are those who say it will never happen in America. Yet Obamacare was the first step toward seizing the means of production of health care. Senator Pocahontas Warren has proposed nationalizing every business with revenue over $1B. President Gremlin is reportedly considering seizing the energy sector's means of production — to save the planet. President Obama even proposed nationalizing pension programs, seizing our retirement savings and replacing them with a government stipend — taking the wealth we have earned and replacing it with the wealth we need. It can happen here if we aren't vigilant.

Socialist experiments can end in one of three ways.

Poverty and starvation
Enslavement to the state
Return to personal freedom and the inequality that results
Jim Jones once told his followers that "God is socialism, and socialism is God." He said it just as Satan would have when offering a deal too good to be true. Jones offered his followers a socialist paradise but delivered a communist hell, in which he took everything they owned, enslaved them to the commune, and led 918 of them to slaughter. That's how his attempt at socialism ended.

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