Texas Feral Hog Invasion

1 year ago


Feral Hog Math: 1+1=12, 6+6=72, 36+36=232
Gestation period: 115 days
Females can have their first litter as young as 6 month old.
One sow with litter can turn into over 70 hogs in only 9 months. Add 9 months for every generation after that. You're looking at over 200 hogs after only 18 months.

Wild Hogs cause an annual damage of estimated $2 Billion. That is damage to equipment, live stock, land, as well as crop. This estimate also includes the cost for efforts controlling this invasive species.

Feral hogs compete directly with livestock as well as game and non-game wildlife species for food. However, the main damage caused to livestock and wildlife is indirect destruction of habitat and agriculture commodities. Rooting and trampling activity for food can damage agricultural crops, fields, and livestock feeding and watering facilities. Often wildlife feeders are damaged or destroyed. They also destabilize wetland areas, springs, creeks and tanks by excessive rooting and wallowing. In addition to habitat destruction and alteration, hogs can destroy forestry plantings and damage trees. While not active predators, wild hogs may prey on fawns, young lambs, and kid goats. If the opportunity arises, they may also destroy and consume eggs of ground nesting birds, such as turkeys and quail. More information about the Feral Hog problem in the state of Texas can be found here: https://tpwd.texas.gov/newsmedia/releases/?req=20070313a

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