Understanding the Flat Earth Movement Unlisted Video

6 years ago

Understanding the Flat Earth Movement from a Bundle of Popular Conspiracy Theories and Science Skepticism

by Rodrigo Ferrari-Nunes, Ph.D.

1. Objectives and Theory
Tautologies and Abductions
Creative Critical Reflexivity
Epistemological Resonance & Harmonics
Concordance / Discordance
Growth and Transformation
Epistemological Transformations

2. Flat Earth Popular Interest compared with Anthropology's

3. Methodology

4. Ethnographic Ethics

5. Emotional Attacks, Hate Speech and Marginalization

6. Research Participants

7. Prejudice Based Socioeconomic Risks

8. Controlled Opposition

9. History of Anthropology and Alternative Cosmologies
Hugh Brody
Bruce Granville Miller
Paul Nadasdy
Julie Cruikshank

10. Deconstructing Scientism
Franz Boas
Jesse Owens
Tuskeege Experiment

11. Counter-Intuitive Globe
Tim Ingold
James J. Gibson
Stella Vosniadou and William F. Brewer

12. Shamanism
Knud Rasmussen
Mircea Eliade

13. Common Senses and Scientism
Michael Herzfeld

14. Experience and Perception
Children and Adults watch Rocket Launches

15. Constructing the Flat Earth Story
Personal Observations
Selective Critiques of Mainstream Science
Linking 'Truther' Conspiracy Narratives
Heterodoxy is the Norm
Former Globe Believers
Transformations: Pain and Relief
Pro-Science + Anti-Scientism
Spiritual Essence - Creation
Atheists becoming Spiritual
Eric Dubay and Shills
Sticking to the Subject

16. Conspiracy Bundle
September 11th 2001: official story is false
Mass Media is Controlled
Apollo Lunar Landings were Faked
Geoengineering / Weather Manipulation
Aliens, Fear, and the Government
Outer Space is not what science propagandists claim it is
Ancient Aliens is just entertainment
Extraterrestrials are from 'lands beyond'
Directed Energy Weapons in 9/11
Dr. Judy Wood
No Planers
Secret Societies in Government
Illuminati / Masonic Order
Hollywood's Easter Eggs
Wernher Von Braun's NAZI past
SpaceX is Fake
Cold War was an Orwellian Charade
Are Dinosaurs Real?
Seeing too far on the earth - no curvature

17. Easter Eggs
The Shining (1980) and Ready Player One (2018)
The Matrix (1999)

18. NASA's Rhetoric
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)
Exploration and Colonialism
Indigenous Peoples
Compartmentalization and Augmented Reality

19. Lunar Landing Skepticism

20. The International Space Station
Swimming Pools and Vacuum Chambers

21. Apollo 16 Lunar Module - Wires and Flapping Panels

22. Elon Musk's Double Think

23. Conspiracy and Pseudo-Science

24. Epistemology: How do we know what we know?

25. Anthropology and Scientism
Michael Herzfeld
Anna Grimshaw

26. Earth from Space

27. Underwater Fiber Optic Cable Networks

28. Satellites and Space Debris

29. Gravity and Electromagnetism

30. Electric Universe Cosmology

31. Mapping the Earth

32. Science Skepticism & Philosophy

Also available in smaller parts:
Part 1/4 - https://youtu.be/0JlETr1ubwU
Part 2/4 - https://youtu.be/lvL7pUu6xc0
Part 3/4 - https://youtu.be/oSRz-nZwZts
Part 4/4 - https://youtu.be/exZAbEfWJ1Q

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