My Children, what is Sin?… Why do you revel in your Adulteries against God? 🎺 Trumpet Call of God

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My Children, what is Sin?…
Why do you revel in your Adulteries against God?

December 16, 2005 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord spoken to Timothy, for all Those who have Ears to hear – Regarding the modern holidays of men

Thus says The Lord God… This world has altogether become a house of harlots, a whole generation who continually goes out to commit fornication with the unclean, reveling in all their adulteries against God!… Altogether forsaking Him who I had sent to them!

None have harkened, all remain shackled to this world, captivated by sin, caught up in the ways of the world and men! Behold, even those within the churches of men have not harkened to His voice, nor will they give heed to His correction. Choosing rather to mingle honor with dishonor, praise with blasphemy, and purity with sin!… WOE, My children! You have all fallen into the snare of the devil!

REPENT THEREFORE, and give Me glory! Worship Me in spirit and in truth! Call upon The Name! For He alone shall deliver you in the Day of Wrath, if you so choose to embrace Him as He truly is.

He is the very same who shall also destroy the wicked and bring terrible judgment upon the rebellious; upon great and small, rich and poor, bound and free, upon all who forsake My Law and push out the hand against the word of My commandment!

For by Him were you made a vessel unto honor, yet you have all become vessels of dishonor, heaping to yourselves vanities and sin. Therefore hear My words, all you proud blasphemers, all you modern pharisees who pervert the Truth, for thus says The Lord… How long shall you desecrate the name of The Messiah, and set yourselves up as an authority?! Behold, as vines of wickedness you bring forth only bitter fruit, propagating your corrupt doctrine and perverse traditions among the people like a plague!… Doctrines and traditions I hate!

YahuShua, whom you call Jesus and Christ, is The True Vine! And those who bear fruit in accordance with His likeness are His branches.

And I shall surely prune every branch which grows in Him, that it may bear even more fruit.

Yet you say… ‚Here I am, I also grow from The Vine!’… You are all liars, a malignancy growing where you should not, dry branches meet to be broken off and cast into the fire!

PEOPLES OF THE EARTH, THE WRATH OF THE LAMB IS COMING!… Did you think I would stay silent during the time appointed?! Did you think I would not set the time and declare the season?! For I am a jealous God and great in power, and I do not change!… THEREFORE, STOP BREAKING MY COMMANDMENTS IN THE MESSIAH’S NAME!… You shall not associate His name with sin!

You shall not honor Him with Pagan rituals and polluted traditions!… Lest I reject you, as I had rejected the pagans before you! Thus I shall speak plainly, for you are a most rebellious and hard-hearted generation… These modern holidays called Christmas, Easter, Halloween and the like, are an abomination in the eyes of The Most High God! Therefore I shall destroy all your pagan traditions, and tear apart every perverse holiday of man; behold, I shall wipe them from the face of the earth in that day! For I am The Lord, and I am coming down to make a swift end!… And no more shall you break My Commandments and revel in sin, in The Messiah’s name!

Behold, My countenance is turned against you, O churches of men! For you have blasphemed My name without ceasing, polluting the name of The Messiah days without end! You have placed the commandments of men above The Commandments of God, saying within yourselves… ‚We are the only authority among men’… How long shall you walk in the ways of the harlot and commit adultery with the pagan?! How long shall you turn your ear away from hearing The Holy Law?! Thus your worship is not accepted, and your prayers are an abomination!

Beloved, have I not already given you Holy Days, even many days in which you were to honor Me?… Yet you forget them all, even the seventh day of each week, which you were to remember and keep holy! For I am The Lord, and I do not change…

Beloved, what do all these holidays and man-made traditions have to do with Me? Why do you do them in The Messiah’s name?!… Give the gift of His name, for by His name alone are you saved, there is no other!

Churches of men, stop your vain babbling, for you do always twist the Scriptures of Truth! BE SILENT BEFORE YOUR GOD! For your traditions are heresy, and your holidays are proof!… Purge all this blasphemy from your lips, therefore, step back from your teachings, and take an account! Humble yourselves! For I am indeed calling you out.

Know you not, that you have all become as the pagan and the heathen, by which all your holidays have their origins? Abomination! This world has seduced you, and the harlot has led you into temptation!…

She shall be stripped naked and left desolate, in the day of her calamity! – Broken because of her iniquities, put to death because of her denial of the Truth, crushed beneath the feet of The Holy One of Israel! Yes, she shall surely drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation, as it is written!

Therefore, hear the word of The Lord and give heed, for thus declares The Lord… One Commandment broken are all Commandments broken. One sin committed in The Messiah’s name are all sins accounted to you.

One sin repented in His name all are forgiven you. For I know your thoughts, My children, even your innermost intentions, and I know whether or not you have become fully converted in your hearts.

And though you may lie to yourselves, and bear false witness in the sight of many witnesses, nothing is hidden before God… Every lie exposed, every heart laid bare, in the Day I rise up and judge the earth.

Come to Me, therefore, in sincerity and in truth. Humble yourselves, in the name of The Messiah… For He is The True Light, utterly void of darkness, The Only Way to follow, THE TRUTH ABSOLUTE

By Him alone shall you walk into everlasting life… For only those who walk in Him shall find Me, and only those in union with Him shall know Me… I am The Lord.

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