Zander Bird And Kody Speikers Are Unaware Of Writing And Quality

1 year ago


Zander Bird and another one Kody Speikers are unware of why the movie Wish didn't do good at the box office.
It's not because of the movie Trolls Band Together.
It has to do with streaming serving services that people would rather watch the movies at home via Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime, hulu, and other services that air TV shows and movies.
That's been going on since the coronavirus pandemic started in March 2022.
Plus there is exclusive content that is only available on these streaming services that isn't shown on TV and in theaters.
It's also the writers of the movie who throw political agenda in the movie, such as trying to make the men look bad or stupid, Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ, or anything political to sneak in the movie.

These two are too used to get to get their way or they were spoiled at a young age by their parents.
Wish was never as good as Frozen or Frozen 2.

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