Creepy Sam Seder & the 2030 Census Shift Tsunami

1 year ago

Creepy Sam Seder & the 2030 Census Shift Tsunami. The Democrats are desperate because some of their strongholds are set to lose a bevy of Electoral Votes.

States that Kid Sniffer Joe Biden & Mrs. Bill Clinton both won

California -5 * Oregon -1 * New York -3 * Illinois -2 * Rhode Island -1 * Delaware +1 * Minnesota -1 * That is a net LOSS of 12 Electoral Votes for the Party of Lenin & fat, old men who want to “change” their gender to female & change clothes in the same room as your minor daughter.

Every single one of those states is a Democrat Trifecta.

States that Donald J. Trump won 2X

Texas +4 * Florida +4 * North Carolina +1 * Tennessee +1 * Utah +1 * Idaho +1

That is a net gain of 12 Electoral Votes & every single one of those states is a Republican trifecta.

This is a swing of 24 Electoral Votes in toto, just in states that were won by a specific party both times (2016 & 2020). If we replay the 2020 election (which was won by Donald Trump ) Joe Biden now has 294 Electoral Votes, Donald Trump has 244 Electoral Votes.

If we factor in Wisconsin & Pennsylvania each losing one EV, Arizona & Georgia gaining one EV each – that’s a wash kids. If we transfer the “official results” from the 2020 election & run it in 2032 – if Georgia & Wisconsin flip, the Republican nominee wins. If Georgia flipped, along w/ Arizona or Georgia flipped along w/ Nevada & New Hampshire, the GOP nominee wins.

If Arizona flipped, along w/ Wisconsin & New Hampshire, the GOP nominee wins. Run your own Electoral College Calculator hypothetical, have fun.

People are leaving Democrat-dominated states, fleeing for areas run by Republicans. I will know a lot more after the 2024 election, but it appears as of now the folks who are migrating are Republicans who are sick of “transgender” predators intimidating their daughters, sick of high taxes, sick of envirokooks, sick of government school indoctrination – they left & took their wallets w/ them.

People are leaving Democrat-dominated areas because they are immoral cesspools full of crime, where kids are not educated, but indoctrinated. The Democrats want to pack the Supreme Court so they can “find out” that the “We The People” segment of the Second Amendment does not apply to regular citizens like me & the individual right to bear arms does not exist. They will demand that Mr. & Mrs. America turn in their guns. (as an aside, I will point out to Miss Hakeem Jeffries that it’s HIS VOTERS, HIS PEOPLE perpetrating most of the violence in this country, not white, rural, uber-Republican counties)

This will allow Black Lives Matter to more easily intimidate citizens & riot as an election approaches, especially if half the police force was fired, moved or quit because they’re treated like criminals for pulling over felons. You will not be allowed to legally defend yourself, but the hood rats will still get their guns because they never cared about the law anyways.

WOTUS (waters of these United States) will also be christened, (see my Rural America video) so an all-out assault (on top of the mostly clandestine, not-so-obvious assaults) on private property (especially in rural areas) & farmland can begin.

This new, expanded Supreme Court will also find a way to validate elections being conducted mostly or wholly by mail & prohibit states like Iowa from asking for a Photo ID before casting a ballot.

Every intelligent dictator knows you cannot start sticking people in camps and/or murdering them until your opponents are disarmed.

All their attacks on the Supreme Court are contrived & used as an excuse to expand it. The Democrat Party itself kept Harry Truman from making it easy for unions to infiltrate workplaces & wreck them (right-to-work). The Democrat Party itself stopped FDR from becoming a dictator & packing the Court. This is not that Democrat Party; it has totally gone insane. They have autistic fits when male predators are barred from my daughter’s locker room!! They think XX can become XY & vice-versa. These people want to make it ILLEGAL for you to call the cops if a male pedophile is dressing in the same room with your 10-year-old daughter.

Democrats are hell-bent on stacking the Supreme Court & they know that is slipping away as reliable Democrat states are hemorrhaging population. Those who are being the loudest about expanding the SCOTUS are a who’s-who of Crazy Town.

The obese Cori Bush, Rashida Tlaib, Hakeem Jeffries, the vacuous #AOC, Hank Johnson – they live in areas that are permeated with black-on-black murder, but they do not care about that. They just want your guns because you can’t institute a governmental system like China when those you oppose are armed.

If an old lady has her door kicked in & she’s got a shotgun handy (and knows how to use it), the villain will not do well.

Each state sends two people to the Senate, so that is not as important, but the House, as you know is apportioned by population. If the Dumocrats lose enough Electoral Votes, they will find tough sledding to win the White House & the Peoples’ House.

Efforts to limit the SCOTUS to nine justices have been unsuccessful.

Some might say, “We’ll just pack the Court too.” Problem is, Democrats will do the flight-of-the-bumblebee, get those 4 Justices confirmed & there go your gun rights, most private property (which includes those who rent to others), hello to mail-in elections & I would not be surprised if they harass that Court to do something to make sure these millions of illegal aliens Biden invited in are here to stay, the whole nine yards.

There won’t be an opportunity to strike back, get it? When Harry Reid broke the filibuster in 2014, Mitch McConnell told him, “You may regret this someday.”

A Donald Trump election victory & three Supreme Court Nominees later, the Dumbasscrats did regret that. If we “plan to get them back” there will not be a Republic left by the time they get finished running this country into the ground.

In conclusion, the Democrats are dumb, they want to talk to your kids about sex & they want to hypersexualize your children, so they can make them dysfunctional.

They also know an opportunity is slipping away as people vote w/ their feet – so, it is imperative that we survive until the 2030 midterms & then a massive shift is coming.

These retards know this, they know NY, CA & IL are losing their sway in the House & Presidential elections because people are voting w/a U-Haul.

We must at least win the Senate (3 are very winnable) in 2024 & if we win the WH with it, we are definitely safe from court packing until 2029. If we can maintain the Senate the entire time, the shift will make it much easier. Democrats know this, there will be astroturf riots this summer & intimidation tactics will be used.

I’m not fan of Star Trek, but they remind me of Khan, cursing Captain Kirk as he drew his last breath. The Democrats are mentally-ill, they’re desperate & their voters are dangerous. Mr. Chairman, I Yield Back!

Merry Christmas! ><> + <>< and especially to my friends Massachusetts Patriot & Jane 😉

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