30 minute Total Body Full Body HIIT Christmas Daily Bible StudyWorkout:

8 months ago

Listen to accompanying audio devotional "Hope for a Messiah" here: https://www.soulstrengthfit.com/podcast

Sign up to the full 4 week Christmas program here: https://www.soulstrengthfit.com/12workoutsofchristmas
This 30 minuteTotal Body Christmas Workout: #1 From 12 Workouts of Christmas SoulStrength Fit Bible Study.

Not your typical Advent Bible Study! SoulStrength Fit's 12 Workouts of Christmas will not only guide you through 4 weeks of devotionals and Bible Study, but will get you fit and strong this holiday season!
Week 1: Hope
Week 2: Peace
Week 3: Joy
Week 4: Love
Don't miss out on this complete Bible Study with the 12 accompanying Bible study workouts to feel fit and lean, yet grounded and peaceful this Christmas season.
It's not too late to sign up, there is year round.
Visit https://www.soulstrengthfit.com
and get started today!

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