Zander Bird Complains About Lack Of Appreciation For Turning Red, Forgets Logic

1 year ago

Zander BIrd complains about Turning Red which is ab out a young red head Chinese-Canadian girl who lives in Downtown Toronto Chinatown. Meilin Lin a sef entitled girl who suddenly turnings into a giant red panda. She barely listents to her mother, and listents to this Kpop boyband with her friends.
The movie is not an accurate depiction of a teenage girl who lives in a Chinese community which as Chinatown, North York, or Markham.
Chinese kids are to respect their elders; which Meilin doesn't. She instead behaves has a westernized kid and someone who uses Tiktok a lot.
There are parts where Meilin hides from her mother, and and twerks for her friends when she's in her red panda form.
Twirking is one thing that's belong in a kid's movie.
That's what Nicki Minaj, Cardi B, Lizzo, BIA, Megan Thee Stallion, and Sexyy Red does in music videos.

Now there's a part for the Elemental movie that Zander doesn't know logic.
FIre heats up water.
Water douses fire.
Even this logic works in video games like Pokemon.
Although in Pokemon GO it does slight damage but work.
This is all his mom Misty's faught who groomed his with the saying "other people can have thier own opinions but my sons is always right".
And his dad Thomas in over in Virginia State while Zander lives with his mom in Montana,

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