Network Evening Newscasts Unsure About How To Cover Awful Biden Prisoner Swap

1 year ago

The network evening newscasts were unsure whether to hail, cover neutrally, or condemn the latest U.S. prisoner swap with an authoritarian regime. In this case, the exchange with Venezuela’s Maduro dictatorial regime, which returned his notorious bagman, Alex Saab, in exchange for fugitive “Fat Leonard” and 10 additional hostages. None of the reports went very deeply into who Saab is and how important he is to the Maduro dictatorship, despite the fact that everybody ran the same Venezuelan state TV B-reel of Saab receiving a hero’s welcome at the Miraflores presidential palace. Saab was Maduro’s bagman, with ties to the Iranian regime and instrumental in finding ways for the regime to skirt U.S. sanctions.

Saab held a trove of information that could’ve been useful to the United States, and it was in viewers’ interest to know this. The swap with Fat Leonard was depicted as an equal exchange when in fact it wasn’t. Reasonable people could come to the conclusion that the value of Saab was downplayed so as to depict the deal in a light most favorable to the White House.

• More at: NewsBusters - Network Evening Newscasts Unsure About How To Cover Awful Biden-Maduro Prisoner Swap

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