The Fight Goes On

1 year ago

It was what the fighting was all about: EXCITEMENT! So many controversies covered the root issues, which were conveniently ignored and forgotten. The revolutionary excitement of the Sixties and the early Seventies was replaced by a dim and warped replica, a facsimile that was held in place because G.B.C. fanatics forced everyone to toe the line—or to be ostracized. Cult coercion was the enforcement mechanism, and this was encouraged by the G.B.C., since the Commish was its beneficiary. A thriving and diverse international organization was thus overlaid with oppressive homogeneity.
In all the excitement, everyone lost track of the real issues. The Society was converted into a cult of organization, ideals be damned! Ideological changes were considered in terms of whether they superficially appeared to work, not on whether or not they were based on çästra. The ideal of honesty was considered meaningless.

KCd's Missive original source: Carnival Dogs Consume the Lines - 01. Sept., 2018

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