RESULTS MAGICK - The Law of Attraction, Hermeticism, Bob Proctor, and Enlightenment

9 months ago

Results Magick and the Law of Attraction share several core similarities in their approach to influencing personal and external realities. Both practices are rooted in the belief that one's mental state and focus can directly affect their life experiences. Results Magick, often seen in the context of Low Magick, is focused on manifesting specific outcomes or achieving tangible goals through rituals, symbols, and invoking various energies or entities. Similarly, the Law of Attraction, popular in New Thought and self-help movements, posits that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, a person can bring positive or negative experiences into their life. Both practices emphasize the power of intention, visualization, and the belief that the mind can influence material reality.

From a Buddhist perspective, however, these practices diverge from the central goal of enlightenment, which is less about manifesting specific outcomes and more about awakening to one's true nature. Buddhism teaches that enlightenment is the realization of the true nature of reality, transcending the illusion of the self and understanding the interconnectedness of all things. This contrasts with High Magick, which is more aligned with spiritual and transcendental goals, seeking union with the divine or the exploration of deeper spiritual truths. High Magick is often less concerned with material results and more with spiritual transformation and the exploration of mystical realms. Thus, while Results Magick and the Law of Attraction focus on the manifestation of desires, Buddhism and High Magick emphasize a deeper understanding and transformation of the self.

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