Q - Qanon -- The Ultimate PSYOP - Modern Day “Operation Trust” – The Hopium Trap – Trust the Plan

1 year ago

Yes, don't worry, the White Hats will save us all and all we have to do is NOTHING at all. Just sit back and wait and we will send you clues to what we are doing and what will happen and we will have TONS of “Special Chosen Ones” who will receive information from us and they will disseminate through social medias.

They control BOTH sides folks. They create a good side and a bad side. It keeps people from taking any action attending pep rallies that provide HOPE.

Operation Trust was a fake movement to allow the Bolsheviks to identify who would present resistance.

Could it be that they wanted a guy like Trump who could play the good guy role? It is quite obvious now that Trump is a pathological liar.

Just trust the self-proclaimed “Father of Vaccines”, everything will be great, we have a sting operation going on.

Wake the hell up, do people really believe this shit anymore?


What you are watching is a MOVIE that they have been planning for a LONG time.

You will have many that start their own social media channels and many who will travel and then you will have legitimate followers of these people.

What they are doing is creating CHAOS so they can bring in ORDER.

We've ALL been duped by this Grand-Master Plan.

Wake Up. We the people do have the power.
We just need to know what's going on.

Excerpt from this article -- https://coronacircus.com/2020/03/31/covid-19-in-context-subversion-psychological-warfare-and-new-world-order/

Subversion And Donald Trump

It is hopefully clear in 2020 that Donald Trump is not “against the deep State” and that he is not “draining the swamp”. Actually, he did drain the swamp: into his cabinet.

Yet this realization comes with huge implications, for anyone who remembers the 2016 campaign. If Donald Trump’s reign was indeed preordained, it means his campaign amounted to an impressive psychological operation. To convince you of this, here is one exhibit.

On the holiday week-end of July 4th 2016, central propaganda outlets accused Donald Trump of being antisemitic. In and of itself that is, of course, absurd; Mr. Trump is Chabad in all but in name. But more interestingly, the proof that was offered was this poster and the six-pointed star it featured. In effect, that poster was plastered all over the telescreens, magazines, newspapers, etc. The face of Clinton with the text “most corrupt candidate ever” was everywhere. The average American must have seen it 20-30 times at least on that week-end, as the poster was changed to feature a circle instead of a six-pointed star, and it was once again plastered all over.

Of course this image was presented under the guise of criticizing it, but that’s exactly the point: it was shown ad nauseam, and its message was imprinted in the collective mind. That’s all that matters. The claim that Donald Trump is antisemitic was quickly forgotten (and never repeated) anyway.

On the exact same holiday week-end, Comey (head of the FBI) came on TV and gave his famous speech about Clinton, which boils down to “she’s guilty but we won’t be pursuing her because she’s above the law”. Watch the speech again if you don’t remember. The rest of the campaign served as confirmation for the events that took place during that holiday.

Do you see where we’re going with this?
These people know what they’re doing. They have control groups. They understand demographics and identity biases. They know the emotional impacts of every message they put out. They’ve been practicing all over the world for more than a hundred years. Subliminal programming is the rule, not the exception.
They put Trump in power by promoting his ideas under the guise of criticizing them. Clinton was the scarecrow, the manufactured villain. Every superhero needs a supervillain; and a villain she is indeed.

Scott Adams (the creator of Dilbert, hypnotist and Trump supporter) did an excellent job throughout the campaign at explaining the persuasion and manipulation techniques leveraged by Donald Trump. He called him a master wizard, and coined the expression “3D chess” when applied to his candidate; Adams simply missed the fact this was more than the work of Trump alone. And of course, let’s not forget Steve Piecenik video(s) about a “coup” being “supported by intelligence services” (supposedly the good guys); let’s also make sure we realize who this guy is (namely, one of the US’ foremost experts in psychological warfare).

So, the Donald Trump campaign was an unprecedented psychological operation.
The same strategy continued after the election: the preposterous “Russia collusion” story, as the absurd impeachment narrative, were not meant to be believed by most. They were meant to distract his base from his appointments and decisions, to sustain cognitive and identity biases (and the illusion he is somehow “against the deep State”), and ultimately to favor his popularity. In the same way as the “golden shower” theater, or the “grab them by the pussy” story turned out to be counterproductive to his detractors, so did these “affairs” that followed the election.
What we are saying is all that was done on purpose.

Source: High Impact News -- Source: High Impact Flix -- https://rumble.com/c/HighImpactFlix

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