Hollywood Actress Cries About Not Getting Paid Enough And Complains Government Takes Too Much Money

9 months ago

In addition to being a great actor, James Woods is one of the best irony spotters in the country. Woods shared what he called "one of life's purest ironies" in video form with this offering: Rich Democrats literally crying over high taxes they voted for is one of life's purest ironies. “Hollywood actress Taraji P. Henson sobs for not getting paid enough & complains that the government takes too much money.” Stop voting Democrat. "I’m just tired of working so hard, being gracious at what I do & getting paid a fraction of the cost." -- "Uncle Sam is getting 50%. Now have $5 million. Your team is getting 30% off what you gross, not after what Uncle Same took. Now do the math."

Henson previously whined about not making $500,000 in "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button." -- "I asked for half a million. That’s it. And they gave me $100,000. Does that make sense? I’m number three on the call sheet. Does that make sense to you? All I was asking was $500,000," she said in 2019. -- James Woods: “Rich Democrats literally crying over high taxes they voted for is one of life's purest ironies.” -- The celebrity Left is now complaining about high taxes? Say it ain't so!

• More at: Twitchy - James Woods Spots 'One of Life's Purest Ironies' in What Rich Dems Are Crying About

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