Prayer | 30 DAYS TO SAY - Day 19 - Ready For Judgement - Marty Grisham of Loudmouth Prayer

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I'm ready for judgement.
I'm ready for judgement because I judge myself. I am a Love child of a Love God, and love children merely walk in love. I am ROOTED and GROUNDED in His love. It shows on my face and my countenance everywhere I go. The love of God has been shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Ghost that's been given to me. I'm really good at being a love child. So, because of that great love inside of me, I don't have to judge others. I have no need to judge other people. I only judge myself and stay in PEACE. And the peace of God, that surpasses all understanding, keeps my heart and mind in Christ Jesus; because the peace of God, a fruit of my spirit, is kicked into gear by the love of God, the first fruit of my spirit. I pray for those that spitefully use me. I pray for those that persecute me. I love my enemies, I bless those that curse me, I do good to those who hate me, and I pray for the whole bunch. I'm like a prayer machine gun, spitting out prayer full-blast all the time, covering other people with prayer in love, allowing our love God to touch their lives.
That's what it's all about! Not just affecting those that love me, but allowing God to touch those who don't love me. I'm ready for judgement, because I'm stopping the judging of others. I'll let the Great Judge do His job, and I'll do mine.
I'm a love child of a Love God. I don't judge others. I don't have to talk about them. My candle isn't any brighter if I talk about someone else to put their candle out. My candle shines bright because I walk in LOVE, not having to talk about other people.
Holy Sprit: "And this is fellowshipping with Me. And this is fellowship from a higher place. This is fellowship from before His face. Some say they know Me, but walk so far away from love. I say, they've been deceived. To know ME is to LOVE ME, and to love me, is to love your neighbor," says the Lord.

AMEN and Amen.

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