Terrified Preacher's Repentance Testimony- Warned by an Angel in Dream-STOP or Go to Hell 4 Divorce

1 year ago

This preacher is J. M. Humphrey, and he was the "innocent spouse," and knew the Bible. But after seven years of being divorced, he started to listen to distinguished men and got remarried. God sent warnings to him over eighteen months. Do you want to know what he was told and what he did? This is extremely important because the 99% who you will see on YouTube and elsewhere are lying to you. Jesus is coming any day, and not many are going to be rising from the graves. This man lived in the late 1800's to 1900's, and he testifies that divorce and remarriage was a problem in the church back then. How much worse now since we are in the day of Noah. Only four percent have a biblical worldview, and I believe it is probably less that half of that who believe what God says about the permanence of marriage and that a "remarriage" is only allowed after the death of the covenant spouse. Not that we should wish death to our spouse if divorced. I hope that this helps snatch at least one person from the fires of hell. Blessings. Maranatha.
Testimony is on www.cadz.net

This is the video Would God Split Up A Family? https://youtu.be/lYdLDGQFaSA

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