Quilt Chat, New Backing for Chicken Salad Quilt, Update on my Chickens, & Easy Receipt Capture!

2 years ago

I've got a gorgeous backing for Chicken Salad and I can't wait to get it on the longarm!

Villa Rosa Designs -
Splendor Pattern - https://villarosadesigns.com/search?q=splendor
Nicholas Fabric Line - https://villarosadesigns.com/collections/nicholas-j-wecker-frisch

Cook Book backing for Chicken Salad quilt - https://www.creativenotionsquiltshop.com/shop/cook-book-wide-back-106-108in-color-daisy-19171?category=1&search=Cook+book#attr=6825

Fat Quarter Shop -
Riley Blake Shades - https://shrsl.com/3mpai
Riley Blake Blossom - https://shrsl.com/3mpak
Blossom Sample Card - https://shrsl.com/3mpal

Easy Expense App -
Web desktop version - https://easy-expense.com/
Check Google Play or iTunes for mobile app

Chicken Supplies - amazon.com/shop/powertoolswiththread Chicken Supplies

My Sewing Themed T-shirts - https://teechichi.com

â–ºGet Embrilliance Embroidery Software Here - https://bit.ly/3j8aKej

â–ºGet YOUR Grace Longarm! - https://www.graceframe.com/en

DIME Stitch Ripper - https://www.shop.dzgns.com/collections/tools-acessories/products/stitch-ripper?p=S1z1p1FgS

Brother Machine PQ1500SL - https://amzn.to/3C2lJPr

True Cut Rulers - https://amzn.to/340QkR1

All notions found in this video series can be found in my Amazon Store - https://www.amazon.com/shop/powertoolswiththread

Simply Applique Software - US Customers - https://www.allbrands.com/products/65662-brother-sabessadl-simply-applique-creative-embroid

Simply Applique Software - Non-US Customers - https://www.allbrands.com/products/97946-brother-sabessadl-download-code-simply-applique-cr

GET KEITH'S SEAM RIPPERS HERE - https://powertoolswiththreadstore.com

â–ºGet Embrilliance Embroidery Software Here - https://bit.ly/3j8aKej

â–ºMy Amazon Store - https://www.amazon.com/shop/powertoolswiththread

â–ºOur Store (Seam Rippers, USBs, Decals, & T-shirts) - https://powertoolswiththreadstore.com

â–ºSend Me Mail Power Tools With Thread 14414 US Hwy 87W, Ste 3, Box 114 LaVernia, TX 78121

â–ºSend Me eMail powertoolswiththread@outlook.com

â–ºMy blog - https://powertoolswiththread.com

â–ºPTWT FB Page: - https://www.facebook.com/groups/powertoolswiththread

Some of the links above are affiliate links where I make a small commission at no cost to you to help support our family business. Thank you for using my links!

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