1 year ago

As the veil of deceptions are being lifted off institutional religions, we are beginning to question everything we have been programmed to believe. We are re-examining our core beliefs as we realize ALL religions have been distorted and manipulated by those who wish to control us and have been designed to create separation instead of unity. The original teachings of all religions agree on the basic principles that we are all created equal and that we must not divide ourselves based on caste, color, creed, socio-economic status, nationality, age, or belief system.

We are dropping the paradigm of organized religion that treats us like children who need to be told what to do. We are also dropping the idea that there must be a religious leader in place (priest, shaman, or prophetic savior) who needs to act as an intermediary between us and our Creator.

We are moving past the veils of control, division and deception, and RE-CLAIMING OUR SOVEREIGNTY, and REACTIVATING our direct connection with GOD, as is our birthright!


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