Doctor Who Free Range W/ Roman and friends!! Simulcast!

1 year ago

#DoctorWho #DavidTennant #TheStarBeast
The Doctor Who Specials featuring the return of David Tennant and Catherine Tate have been...uneven. They have had some solid Doctor Who moments...and moments we wish we could forget. We'll be discussing what these specials mean to the future of Doctor Who, what we think the next season holds, and revisiting some of our favorite moments from past Who. Let's Talk Doctor Who!
#DoctorWho #BBC #DavidTennant #TheStarBeast #WildBlueYonder #Giggles

The Crew
Squeeka Mouse
Twitter @SqueekaM
Joker Voice
/ @thejokersvoice
Twitter @las_protege
Beard of Liberty
/ @beardofliberty
Twitter @BeardOfLiberty
Jacob Ironside
/ @jacob-ironside
Twitter @JacobIronside
Shieldwall of Dragons
Twitter @SW_of_DragonsJacob Ironside
/ @jacob-ironside
Twitter @JacobIronside

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