Road to 1 Million Subscribers #SHORTS

2 years ago

My name’s Huw Davies. I currently have 62 subscribers and I’m going to track my progress all the way to 1 Million subscribers.

I’ve never put myself out there like this before. Even the thought of creating this video series gives me the tinglies.

But I know this.... I can BE anyone I want to be, I can DO anything I want to do, I can HAVE anything I want to have with a SINGLE FOCUS and BURNING DESIRE.

I became Financially Independent 5 years ago, I built a 6-figure business from scratch, I built a stocks and shares portfolio I could live off, and recently I built a £1M property portfolio in less than 18 months.... but what can I do on Youtube?

I plan on documenting a ‘behind the scenes’ series of my journey from the beginning. Sharing the highs, the lows and everything in between on my way to 1 Million subscribers, and I’m taking YOU along for the ride.

You might think I’m crazy, naive or deluded..... and you might be right..... but I suppose there’s only one way we’ll find out....

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I’d love to hear from you. Sending me a DM will be the quickest way to get a response or try Tweeting @Huwsview. If you've got a more in-depth question, feel free to email me at I try my best to reply to things but there sadly aren't enough hours in the day to respond to everyone 😭.

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