How to Do Opposite Hip Pushes | Belly Dancing

1 year ago

Belly dancing is sexy, fun, and burns up a lot of calories to boot! In this video, belly dancer Irina Akulenko teaches you how to do opposite hip pushes.You'll be shaking it like Shakira in no time.

Now let's try the opposite hip pushes, keeping the knees bent, lower abs engage, chest lifted, arms out, shoulders back. We are going to take a step over to the left side with the left foot, the same time we're going to lift the right heel off the floor and push the right hip up and step back together, and lift and together and lift and together. We can do the same thing over to the other side as well. So we're going to step over with the right, lift the left heel off the floor, left hip up, step back together, and lift and together and lift and together. And again the key to this is to isolate, see when you really lift the chest up and relax and let this movement happen just below the rib cage, head lifted and again keeping the knees really, really bent. Let's travel to the right and try it with music let's travel to the left let's try it a little bit faster. And that's how you do an opposite hip push.

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