i gave this little tiger life, do you give life to these things that you believe in

9 months ago

i need my own audience, i make it myself
let's go back to staccato
my friend just had a baby, home birth
should i be sorry n cut myself in the shape of a fetus
i don't like sitting on the stage, it's too low
full spectrum ag
i've been to several different churches
they always forget about that part of 1 Corinthians
i'm telling you homosexuality was probably the thorn
nobody knows what it coulda meant
they don't talk about everything in the Bible so...
i hate the athleticism of Christianity
spiritual vs religious
i already have guilt w/out all the catholicism
i swear cos i live in this fuckin world
there's no denying that this world is total scum
i've known this shit since i was born
naturally skeptical of whatever i'm told
corn pillow that you can heat up in the microwave
i haven't used my microwave in years now
don't chu love it when i try to explain things
microwaves are bad, that's it bye

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