Open Your Eye 2023

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Open Your Eye 2023

Open Your Eye joint hosts Kim Cooper & Tarra Simpson would like to Thank our amazing lineup of guests who joined us in 2023 on NOK Network 🤗

Many thanx to guests
Alison Myrden, Chef Polina & Tanya, Carlos Tanner, Mark Howard, Ron McNabb, Anthony Sabia, Patrick Fishley, Gurd Hayes, Chris Martin, Chef Mike & Chef Daniel, Russell Langhammer, Jack Lloyd, Lisa Ruckaber, Garyth Moxie, Clayton Niedigh, Robert Laurie, James Hin, Tarra & Kim, Rebecca Forshey, Jack Kungle, Pat Warnecke, Ajia Mae Moon, Kelly Patricia, Janine Morra, High Holly, Steve Allgood, Mayte Morellos, Alan Finney, Jullian Wisborg, Hobbied DaPuppet, Dr. Ira Price, Dave Hodges, Kevin, Patrick & Michelle Fishley, Eric Osbourn, Brooke Terrer, Chris Jordan, Kristopher Brown, Freddy & T, David Robinson, Thomas Hartle

Thank you all for sharing your journey with psycedelic medicine 🍄

We will return with our 2024 lineup starting January 11th 👁

Thank you to our viwers for joining us in 2023. We look forward to bringing you more amazing segments in 2024 😍

#PEACEnewsandviews #NOKnetwork #2023

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