1 year ago

1. Trump has never even been charged with insurrection, yet alone found guilty of said non-existent charge. Guilty as accused is not an American Value. Nor is it part of any of our laws.

2. Section III of the 14th Amendment was eliminated by Congress in accordance with Section V of the 14th Amendment. The 14 Amendment is the only Amendment with a section giving Congress enforcement authority. Congress already waved enforcement of Section III in part the first time, and in whole a second time, with two Congressional Acts. It is no longer enforceable. I accordance to Section V, Congress has enforcement authority, not the states.

3. The State of Colorado Supreme Court has no authority over any federal laws. They can only judge cases based upon state laws, and their state's Constitution, provided that neither are in violation with the Federal Constitution. They have zero authority to enforce federal laws or our National Constitution. They can only consider their laws, if and how they comport to the US Constitution.

4. They are a State's Supreme Court, not a Federal Court. They cannot pass any judgements on any federal laws. The State of Colorado does not have a 14th Amendment concerning insurrection and ballot eligibility.

5. The Colorado Supreme Court is in violation of their sworn oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America, and the laws and Constitution of the State of Colorado.

They are each legally subject to recall or Legislative Removal, according to Colorado State law, for a clear violation of the Judicial Oath they swore to, when they accepted their appointment to the Colorado Supreme Court.
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State of Colorado, Colorado Supreme Court, Trump, 14th Amendment, Off The Ballot, Liberal Lies, Fake News

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