ep. 409 - Suck It! The Weaponized Tick Conspiracy.

1 year ago

Season 4 is rolling right along and this week I look at a conspiracy that is actually getting attention form the U.S. House of Representatives. Were ticks studied by the American military for the purpose of using them as biological weapons? Even though a lot of people say this is impossible, there is quite a bit of evidence to show that it may actually be the case. Mistakenly, Lyme Disease gets used as the "go to" for this conspiracy but I'll talk about why it may just be the patsy!


Primitive Intelligence on Instagram: @PrimitiveIntelligencePodcast or https://www.instagram.com/primitiveintelligencepodcast/

No! Lyme Disease is not an Escaped Military Bioweapon: https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/no-lyme-diease-is-not-an-escaped-military-bioweapon-despite-what-conspiracy-theorists-say/2019/08/09/5bbd85fa-afe4-11e9-8e77-03b30bc29f64_story.html

Articles from the Lyme Disease Association:

Wikipedia: Ticks: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tick

Wikipedia: Fort Detrick: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Detrick

Wikipedia: Plum Island: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plum_Island_Animal_Disease_Center

Plum Island - Dept. of Homeland Security: https://www.dhs.gov/science-and-technology/plum-island-animal-disease-center

The Key to Diagnosing Tick Borne Diseases: https://www.npace.org/the-key-to-diagnosing-tick-borne-diseases/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA4b2MBhD2ARIsAIrcB-T07Qc63OdUTGugpDgSO-dvoMOJPTUZx-kRVP2pV-3FmNGovgtKJ7AaAtOaEALw_wcB

Alpha-gal Syndrome - CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/ticks/alpha-gal/index.html

Google Maps - Lyme County CT: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Lyme,+CT/@41.2565199,-72.7188393,10z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x89e63d816b239d9d:0x60c50461a5d1df27!8m2!3d41.400812!4d-72.3429525


Empire Seasons by Dan Henig

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