085 Sugar Man - A Rushing Mountain Stream...It's Rather Serene (part 2) > > > Subsistence Alpha 62

1 year ago

Hello! Well, the long awaited and highly anticipated new update has dropped for us non-experimental folks. It happened sometime overnight or very early morning. Regardless, this might be the last video I will be uploading with Alpha 61 content. It will definitely be the last for this AUTUMN 2023 series. Yes, that's right, our final video (coming up next) for the current series, will be recorded in the brand-spanking-new Alpha 62. Awwww yeah.

As of this moment (12-20-2023 @ 2:18 pm), I have only seen a few minutes of time in Alpha 62, so in terms of exposure, I've seen about as much as anyone else who is stepping into Alpha 62 for the first time. When I signed in to the game today and noticed the update was here, I immediately left the rushing stream at Pearl Cove and ran home to see what was up with my pearl collection. [It was still there]

So the amount of time it takes to run from the back of Pearl Cove to Sugar Man's Motor Lodge is the amount of time we have had in Alpha 62 world. That is all.

In our next episode we will do what we have been planning to do for a while now. We'll head down south and all around different parts of the map to simply poke around for loot and adventure. The difference now is Alpha 62 is here, and we will be able to check out the new ore, and the new fiber, medicinal herb, changes to the map, the electrical workbench, and more. It will be fun.

See you there!

Come for the fun. Stay for the love.

God Bless you and yours.

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