ptsd-ing...going back in time n telling people off + more musical confessions

9 months ago

i've been doin this one chord progression for awhile
i've always had to create an alternative universe
schizos get extra endocannabinoids
i'd kill a social worker
they've been taking people's kids for a long time
nobody notices anything until it happens to them
nobody even notices things happening to them
it's so bad that it might be good
social media is a pair of binoculars
this is such a strange culture
you gotta be "mentally ill" in order to see the mental illness everywhere around you
it's never quick, amy
i dunno how anyone maintains a relationship
being w/ anyone is such a burden
the Lord told Jeremiah not to take a wife
God was mad at israel cos that country isn't real
maybe netanyahu is actually doin the prophecy right after all
the man in my head has a better memory, weird!
i accept that i am this way
don't tell me to stop smoking cigarettes, i'll dedicate this next pack to you
all artists should smoke at least a pack a day
it'll get better if you just trust the process, one of the best things i ever heard in AA meetings
joel was a philosophy professor at vanderbilt university
if you can admit your wrongdoing i will forgive you in a heartbeat
time n space is what a lotta people need
i look at dudes like they're brothers but they don't look at me that way
no matter how much you wish it so it ain't gonna happen
romance...straight to darkness
write a story or make a movie about it n i'll watch it
those of us special ones that enjoy being all by our lonesome
you think i bought this mini cooper
fuck this world ANYWAY, why would you wanna be part of it
the amish one way n mennonites the other way
there's no reason why i would put myself in a position to get raped
r(esting)b(itch)f(ace) out the ass
but here i am trying to change women that try to change men
women will always be a handful
emotions are nobody's problem, just try to understand them
you can't contain the unconventional
this relationship timeline has been goin on for too long
ankle bracelet @ an AA meeting...sooooo good at picking
he looked like ryan gosling so i allowed him to use me
doin what the sheep do always got me into trouble
"school" medication AA meetings relationships
good thing that i can check
i have the right to be passionate about whatever i want
study yourself n you can study the world
if society don't make you puke then you're not payin attention
always felt displaced, that's okay
God will love you anyway, this country will not
you're just a tool for all the wrong people
telling the truth is what i'm here to do
i lose followers everywhere haha
objectively or maybe universally i understand patriotism but not on a personal level
why does everybody need to fit into a tiny little box in order to shut em up
i went too far w/ that n fucked it up
rion. joel. coleman. joey. judson.
all fails all becuz of me (and yeah they were somewhat fucked up but i did the same exact thing in every relationship so...)
you're always gonna experience loneliness anyway so you might as well just get used to it
ALL alone (there's a lot of us)

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