BREAKING NEWS: Arizona Illegal Immigrant Invasion YESTERDAY

9 months ago

Dateline Arizona - Yesterday over 3,000 Illegal Alien invaders walked through the gap Joe Biden ordered in Trump's Wall. I don't know about you, but I'd call that an Insurrection.

If you think this won't affect you because you don't live in Arizona, think again. These migrants are unvetted and many of them are violent criminals released from Venezuelan and Mexican prisons to lessen the burden on their already failing infrastructures.

America can expect to see a rise in violent crime, robberies, and a flood of arrests filling up our own jails and prisons when our infrastructure is already taxed to the limit.

I highly recommend everybody arm-up and buy all the ammo you can. Because when seconds count, the cops are MINUTES away!

It isn't law enforcement's job to protect you. They are only there to pick up the pieces after the fact. If you are waiting for them to protect you, you will be in a casket long before they show up on your doorstep. Self defense is YOUR responsibility. That's why we have the 2nd Amendment, to protect your GOD GIVEN RIGHT to defend yourselves and your loved ones from criminal invaders.

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