How do you whisper animals? Birds, big lizards, stingray, snakes, koala and be safe?

1 year ago

LearnWhispering for a Joy & Success based life! Whispering is initially about relating to nature. Animal whispering trains you to develop your neurology, psychology and core life skills for more Joy & Success. You learn improved life skills to do everything better; your job, study and relationships etc. The Whispering course comes with 3 or 8 personal coaching sessions. This is to help you correctly learn these core skills.

To relate and commune with nature means you are in a relaxed, peaceful place, so the animals feel safe and will relate to you. Your new skills will be evident by the results. Wild animals can behave from a place of trust, instead of fear and survival instinct. My videos demonstrate it like they are domestic pets, but they are all 100% wild.

These abilities are yours in a safe way for both you and them. Then dealing with life’s tough times means you have the skills to function with reduced stress, better learning and better relationships. LearnWhispering for the Master skills for life!

How do you whisper animals? How do you whisper a happy life, great relationships, a great job or fantastic grades at school? The skillset is 100% the same for all these important areas of life. Learn how you work as that applies to all living things from plants to humans.
You will see in this video that applies to kookaburras, parrots, deadly snakes, massive lizard's and even the oldest living animals on this planet; huge stingrays!

The Whispering 101 course at so you can learn to relate safely & ethically to nature. Whispering is a core life skill that helps you handle life's tough situations like pandemics. Learning to be a whisperer & relating to nature helps you master your emotional state and stay functional. Amazing life skills by having amazing fun! Nature needs our love and care so we and all species survive before climate change wipes many of us out. is about learning to relate to nature. How to learn to whisper animals, birds and relate to the great out doors. The deeper skill set of animal whispering takes you to a place of literally Whispering yourself. To relate and commune with nature means you are in a relaxed at peace place so animals feel safe. The StarWars Jedi skill set is evidenced in this channel by how the animals behave from a place of trust, not fear and survival instinct. Talking to animals so they act and trust you is a learned skill. These same skills make a great human who succeeds in life and gets on well with other humans. Humans are also an animal. As you master the habits to relate to nature you can then relate to yourself and other people.

Animals teach us about ourselves. covers the skills and cautions around animals and also the development of key life skills to assist learning, personal development and success. The 9 Pillar Framework is applicable to learning and academic success, sports, professional employment. It is also the basis of how we navigate tough life issues such as bullying, mental health, well-being, health problems and pandemics.

Relating to nature helps you to de-stress. The skill sets here in the courses and coaching will help you to relate to your pets, animals, nature and your human community. Its a truly wonderful skill set. embodies the same 9 pillar framework that is based in neuroscience, learning theory and depth psychology. The core skill set helps a student improve their grades, motivation and learning abilities. Academic Life Coaching is more than study skills and motivation. A successful student becomes a happy and good natured person. The life skills, study skills and framework provide a solid base to cope with the challenges and changes in the study and work environment.

Both websites have all the contact information. Contact is welcome.

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