Oh, Look Who It Is: Marine One Seems To Have Had A Stowaway This Week… A Clear FAA And DoD Violation

1 year ago

We're not sure about you, loyal Twitchy readers, but we sure are getting tired of the system of both hierarchy and hypocrisy that is in place with our Washington elites, specifically with respect to the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Yes, it's true. The Biden family is once again telling America that the rules apply to us, but not to them. It must be a day ending in a Y. From Fox News: BREAKING REPORT: Biden busted trying to SNEAK HUNTER into DC on Marine One transport. "Peter Doocy noticed someone hop off the chopper who was not on the passenger list. Hunter Biden is here at the White House after defying the Congressional subpoena."

OK, so the ALL CAPS in this tweet are a bit misleading (we don't like ALL CAPS very much). It's not really a 'breaking report,' and it's pretty difficult to sneak anyone on -- or at least off of -- Marine One since cameras are on it at all times. But the facts of the incident remain very much true: The Biden administration flew Hunter -- a man under numerous federal indictments and facing years in prison for tax evasion and weapons charges -- from Delaware to D.C. without listing him on the passenger manifest. This is a clear FAA and DOD violation. Falsifying passenger manifests? I’m sure the FAA and UCMJ has things to say about that, regardless of who the president or the passenger is.

• More at: Twitchy - Oh, Look Who It Is: Marine One Seems to Have Had a Stowaway This Week

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