9 months ago

“The Sign of the Son of Man” contains many new and fascinating understandings of the Scriptures, including: • How the Bible tells us that exactly 4,000 years passed between God’s creation of Adam and the birth of Jesus Christ; • How the Scriptures inform us that God created Eve 40 years after He created Adam, and it was in that same year that they disobeyed Him in Eden; • How the Bible indicates that Adam and Eve were not literally the "first" two people who ever lived; • What lessons we can learn from the demonstration of their unrighteousness, and our own, that God staged in Eden; • Where exactly the Garden of Eden once existed, and where its original location can still be visited today; • How we know from the Scriptures that Noah’s Flood did not cover the whole earth; • Where exactly that Flood took place; • What nation Noah ruled long before the Flood, and by what name he was then known; • In what year the Israelites’ Exodus from Egypt took place, and what pharaoh then ruled the land; • When exactly each of the Old Testament’s 45 Hebrew monarchs (43 kings and 2 queens) began and ended their reigns, and how we can now fully reconcile all ancient chronological data, both sacred and secular, pertaining to the times they did so; • The meanings of the Bible's seven primary symbolic numbers, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, and 12; • To what two periods of time the Bible’s cryptic terms “seven times” and “three and a half times” refer; • How Daniel's "70 weeks" prophecy now helps us to assign exact dates to all of the major events in the life of Christ, and to one other very important first-century event; • The meanings of all of the Bible's most enigmatic numbers; • How the geometry of solar eclipses specifically identifies Jesus Christ as the Savior of the World; • How Christianity is different from all other religions; • How two pairs of solar eclipses (the first of which will cross over the center of the Christian world and the second of which will cross over the center of the Muslim world) will soon testify to the times of both Jesus Christ's first and second comings; • How the asteroid Apophis, on its own "second coming" to earth, will serve as “the sign of the Son of Man” "five months" before Christ’s return; • How 12 numerical “signs,” which are now able to be read “in the Sun, Moon, and stars” each personally identifies Jesus Christ as the Creator of the Universe; • When the Antichrist will outlaw Christianity worldwide; • And finally, on what date Jesus Christ will return to earth to "reward His servants" and "judge the world." Many Christians will now understandably object to this last assertion. For we know Jesus told His first-century disciples, “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.” (Matthew 24:36 - New American Standard Bible) And we know He also told them, “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by His own authority.” (Acts 1:7) However, I contend that the statements Christ then made applied only to the time He made them. For we know He also then told His followers, “I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.” (John 16:12 - New American Standard Bible) If Christ had told His first-century disciples that He would not return to earth for over 2,000 years, He would have then greatly discouraged them. But I maintain that things are now very different. For this book provides us with many new and compelling reasons to believe that most Christians who are now alive will live to see their Lord’s return. So by Jesus providing His 21st-century followers with the time of His return, He is not discouraging us. Rather, He is now providing us with great encouragement that we may all soon very much need to get through some very difficult times ahead. This 7 inch by 10-inch paperback book contains over 670 pages and many full-color illustrations.

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