Shots Fired! The War In the United States Has Started

10 months ago

Trump’s job is to lead the start of the second civil war in America. Almost no one can see it… They are all in this together, the Trump followers will be the first to lock n Load, sad, you’re all being used and for some reason you’re not smart enough to see it.

America has a rude awakening coming, your silence and your lack of action is going to be the end of you. One day you’ll have to fight, or die.. You’re going to die either way, will you stand for anything or will you go down as just another worthless eater too dumb to help yourself?

Yesterday, the attempted takeover of the Country by Tyrannical Socialism officially started.

The Colorado Supreme Court violated the Constitutional Rights of nearly 6 million people with a completely twisted interpretation of the 14th Amendment.

Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you.

Yesterday, the attempted takeover of the Country by Tyrannical Socialism officially started. The Colorado Supreme Court violated the Constitutional Rights of nearly 6 million people with a completely twisted interpretation of the 14th Amendment. Remember you can't vote your way OUT of Communism.

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