Why buy an unregistered prepaid SIM card? 10 reasons to buy an unregistered SIM card

1 year ago

In 2022 the Swedish government made registering prepaid SIM cards mandatory, before that time there was some digital privacy.
All used Swedish numbers from that point on became tied to a personal identity number, Address, and name, and therefore removed any privacy.

Additionally, as of October 1, 2023, a new law passed in Sweden which gave police and prosecutors the right to secret surveillance in the form of wiretapping (avlyssning) and spying using electronic devices of any individuals who are not suspected of a crime.
(RB 27:18b)

Therefore, here are 10 reasons to buy an unregistered SIM card:

1)You do not want your swish number to be connected to your registered number linked to your personal-number

2) You are unable to register your SIM card because you do not have the papers and documents necessary for registration

3) You do not want your email to be connected to your registered phone number linked to your personal-number

4) You need to receive SMS verification when signing up for email, websites, apps, and other services or for 2 factor authentication, but do not want to give away your identity and the personal-number tied to it

5) You want to be able to research and access real news and information that is not accepted by the mainstream politics at the time, such as by using telegram without giving away your registered phone number tied to your real identity

6) You want to express your freedom of speech online without the fear of government and corporate surveillance

7) If you are in a situation that requires the ability to communicate anonymously.
For example, women’s shelters across Sweden have been critical of the SIM card laws. This is because in the past they would advise women to use prepaid unregistered SIM cards in order to remain hidden and protected. Now with the new law, it leaves women who seek out help and who are exposed to threat and are in hiding and protection be at risk because their identity and location are exposed through their registered SIM cards.

8) It is your right to communicate privately with others without the government and corporations spying on you for their own benefit at your expense

9) If you are Jewish, Christian, or Muslim, then you have to uphold a separation between what you can show privately and publicly, and a separation between your private life and public life, and therefore if the government is the one who can choose to enter your digital devices at any moment, and hear and see your private life (due to knowing your identity tied to your phone numbers) then that does not give you the ability to choose and uphold that boundary in order to protect yourself and your families

10)You want to keep privacy a part of society in order to limit government and corporate power over the individual

See how it is not criminal to want privacy?!

There you have it! those were just 10 reasons to buy an unregistered SIM card

Thank you for watching!

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