UN Agenda 2030: Rosa Koire 2012 Interview With James Corbett

1 year ago

Rosa Koire explained Agenda 21 to investigative journalist James Corbett, in this 2012 interview. Since then, Agenda 21 (meaning the 21st Century) has been renamed Agenda 2030 to represent the year by which it is intended the plan will have been implemented.

Koire was a commercial property appraiser for the Californian Department of Transportation for 30 years, and an expert witness testifying in land use and land value. In the early 2000's she learned it was difficult to determine property value because of restrictions on what private owners are able to do with their own land. At the same time she was elected to an oversight committee for a redevelopment project. Her research led to her discovering the United Nations' Agenda 21 / Sustainable Development Goals, and she wrote a book called Behind the Green Mask to alert the world to what was happening.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals are a global plan being implemented at local levels. Agenda 2030 (which Koire referred to as Agenda 21 in her interview) is a comprehensive blueprint to inventory and control all land, water, plants, minerals, animals, construction, means of production, information, energy, education and human beings in the world. So how is this happening without mass dissent?

Koire describes Agenda 21/2030 as a stealth plan operating in plain sight. Each regional / local area has a different name for the same plan. It was signed onto in 1992 at the Rio Earth Summit, via a document called Our Common Agenda (which can be downloaded at this link: https://www.ukcitizen.org/united-nations-our-common-agenda-summit-of-the-future-timeline/)

Across the globe local and regional policies are embedding the goals of the Sustainable Development agenda, often led by financial incentives including government grants and rebates to citizens and/or groups agreeing to implement certain parts of the plan such as 'green' energy, vaccination campaigns, etc. Each area uses different names, titles and approaches, but the policies are underpinned by an underlying ideology - communitarianism - and implementing the same goals. Euphemistic language is used to sell the policies, eg sustainable, equitable, public health, etc.

"Sustainable" development is defined as "development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs". It began in 1972 and 1976, at two meetings named Habitat 1 and Habitat 2 where it was determined that privately owned land was a threat to the "social equity" of people on the planet. This is a vital part of Agenda 2030, and is an attack on private property. ("You will own nothing and you will be happy.")

The plan enables domestic surveillance (does your area have any 5G surveillance towers - many of which were erected whilst populations were in lockdown through 2020/2021?), and control of all human activity on the planet.

(One of the plans is to reduce the number of airports across the globe and increase the cost of travel, which can be linked to digital identity and digital currency mechanisms, so that only the most compliant will have the right to move. The reason that most airlines complied the moment lockdown was declared as a public health necessity, is because they are already regulated by the International Civil Aviation Authority, a specialised agency within the United Nations. Only the largest airlines will survive, who will have a monopoly on all air travel as competitors are already and/or will be bankrupted.)

Koire defines Communitarianism as a political and social philosophy which balances the rights of the individual with the rights of the community. Community rights are determined by those in power, are not delineated, can change at any time, and always have greater weight than the weight of individual rights, which are always a threat to the 'greater good'. (A perfect example here, is the vaccine mandates which it was claimed were required for communal "safety". Propaganda was used effectively to push this ideology, and facts such as the inability of the products to stop transmission or infection, their association with higher rates of infection, hospitalisation, ICU admissions and death, continue to be aggressively denied to this day by people who are incentivised to push the agenda of communitarianism).

Mask mandates and QR Code reporting of movement and activity was underpinned by the same logic, that individuals have a civic duty, regardless of evidence, to obey rules "for the greater good").

Koire explains that this ideology underpins most dictatorships through history. (If you have lived in a third world nation, you have witnessed this, as there are no individual rights amongst the world's poorest.) In order to impose communitarianism in wealthy and free nations, socially acceptable philosophy is used to market the agenda. Communitarianism uses "economy, environment and equity" as a marketing ploy to people in western nations. Who would not want to protect the economy, the environment and a balance in society?

Equity is the illusion of a balanced world where noone will have too much and the poor will have food, water and other needs. This is what Koire calls "the green mask" because it actually enables a total takeover of all resources, by those behind the agenda. These people are already phenomenally wealthy, and they now wish to control all assets and resources (eg land, oil, gas, timber, water will all be privatised into corporate power). Those behind this agenda include various royal families including the British, the Vatican, a wealthy American called Maurice Strong who masterminded Sustainable Development and manmade Climate Change, people like Bill Gates and those in power of globalist organisations (United Nations, World Economic Forum, etc).

The agenda is being implemented by manipulation and propaganda. The Delphi Technique is used against people who are brought to a pre-determined outcome whilst believing that they are influencing the outcome. This is a management and organisational technique used in every regional planning meeting where locals are invited to speak and provide their own opinions. In fact the plan is pre-designed, and is identical across the world. Social pressure is used to convince people that they are alone should they disagree with the plans. (Lockdown which isolated people and ensured compliance with all manner of nonsensical rules was an excellent example of the use of psychological isolation to manage dissent, with anyone speaking out being painted as a "rabble rouser" and "conspiracy theorist").

Local action can be taken, but you have to be courageous. Make it clear that you disagree with plans, and that you will not be manipulated. Mind control techniques are being used, including via professional organisations and non government organisations, who are empowered and incentivised by the UN Agenda 2030. As long as most people can be convinced that claims about the agenda are a "conspiracy theory", then the plans can march forward. Only with enough dissent will this be halted, and so controlling dissent is imperative. (Misinformation, disinformation, malinformation and various censorship laws are all newly introduced to previously free societies since 2020, and again being sold as "for the greater good").

Learn more about mind control from experts such as Dr Christian Buckland and Jason Christoff, eg https://rumble.com/v40up4d-why-would-the-worlds-doctors-ignore-mass-medical-harm.html)

Rosa Koire died from a pulmonary embolism secondary to lung cancer in May 2021, as announced at her website www.democratsagainstunagenda21.com.

VIDEO SOURCE: https://rumble.com/v41k7cx-rosa-koire-exposes-the-un-agenda-2012.html

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